Hey, I resemble that remark!
Chicken Fried Rice enjoyer
Hey, I resemble that remark!
Would you mind taking pictures and talking about your process? I would be interested in seeing this project and the choices you make for it
The theory I heard was to make the impression of artillery strikes, so that Russia could claim that Ukraine is doing military strikes on the power plant
This is just a lack of finance skills.
You’re paying $88 dollars a month forever? Why not just put that into a savings account and easily beat the amount of the coverage without having to go through the struggle of fighting an insurance company that is clearly ripping you off.
And roping your children into the same bad deal? Why would a parent pay for an adult offsprings funeral insurance to begin with? And for more than a decade without sitting down and thinking about it.
Looks like they’ve been selling this since November 9th 2022 at the latest.