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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • So they’ve failed at pushing full return to office and now they’re commissioning unscientific studies to try to make hybrid seem necessary?

    These results really can’t be applied to all jobs. Some jobs obviously require in-person but many white collar jobs can be done entirely remotely saving workers time, money and freeing up infrastructure for those that need/want to go in. Not to mention other benefits to mental health and reduction of emissions involved in commuting.

  • Redacted@lemmy.worldtoGames@lemmy.worldThe N64
    1 month ago

    Hard disagree. Most trailblazing console ever with one of the strongest lineups of first/second party games we’ve ever seen. Yes there were some shoddy third party ports but you didn’t buy it for those.

    People moan about the controller but forget it was the first time a joystick was used and the only real issue was the redundant left prong. Loved the feel of the Z button for shooting games coupled with the Rumble Pak.

  • Yep, chuck Rumble Pak in there too.

    Did platform fighters exist before Smash?

    Did proper 3D platforming with free camera exist before Mario 64?

    Did third person adventure games exist before OoT and has anything drastically changed the formula since?

    Not to mention all these games shipped fully built with no updates and amazingly few bugs.

    It seems as though OP didn’t actually experience these things at the time so making a post about nostalgia for them is strange. Firing up an emulator and going “These games don’t hold up now.” is entirely missing the point.

  • Woodwork dweller here, you seem to have forgotten:

    Majora’s Mask

    Star Fox 64

    Jet Force Gemini

    Donkey Kong 64

    Diddy Kong Racing

    Excite Bike 64

    Paper Mario

    Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door

    Pokémon Stadium

    Yoshi’s Story

    Pokémon Snap

    Mario Party

    Felt at the time that there was always a high quality “AAA” release on the horizon interspersed with some of the greatest games ever made. Many of the gameplay techniques these games pioneered during the transition from 2D to 3D are still used to this day.

    Obviously a lot of them don’t stand the test of time a quarter of a century on but we haven’t had a system with the same consistent quality of games for a long time, if ever, IMO.

  • You don’t rwally have one lol. You’ve read too many pop-sci articles from AI proponents and haven’t understood any of the underlying tech.

    All your retorts boil down to copying my arguments because you seem to be incapable of original thought. Therefore it’s not surprising you believe neural networks are approaching sentience and consider imitation to be the same as intelligence.

    You seem to think there’s something mystical about neural networks but there is not, just layers of complexity that are difficult for humans to unpick.

    You argue like a religious nutjob or Trump supporter. At this point it seems you don’t understand basic logic or how the scientific method works.