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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2024


  • Plenty of people are making that bet. Work from home is important to a lot of people and its not something you can take away without employees seeing it as a pay cut.

    So if my pay is being cut, and you are taking an extra 2 hours of my day in commute again, then I guess that becomes my reward for hard work?

    To be fair the dynamics do change from business to business. My current one is a good example of making poor decisions with workforce and not expecting the blowback.

  • General AI is a good goal for them because its poorly defined not in spite of it.

    Grifts usually do have vague and shifting goal lines. See star citizen and the parallels between its supporters/detractors vs the same groups with AI: essentially if you personally enjoy/benefit from the system, you will overlook the negatives.

    People are a selfish bunch and once they get a fancy new tool and receive praise for it, they will resist anyone telling them otherwise so they can keep their new tool, and the status they think it gives them (i.e. expert programmer, person who writes elegant emails, person who can create moving art, etc.)

    AI is a magic trick to me, everyone thinks they see one thing, but really if you showed them how it works they would say, “well that’s not real magic after all, is it?”

  • Thats all well and good but here in America thats just a long list of stuff I can’t afford, and won’t be used to drive down costs. If it will for you, then I’m happy you live in a place that gives a shit about its populations health.

    I know there will be people who essentially do the reverse of profiteering and will take advantage of AI for genuinely beneficial reasons, although even in those cases a lot of the time profit is the motive. Unfortunately the American for profit system has drawn in some awful people with bad motives.

    If, right now, the two largest AI companies were healthcare nonprofits, I dont think people would be nearly as upset at the massive waste of energy, money, and life current AI is.

  • Your position is: “I like AI because it makes my job/hobbies easier. Also my coworkers do the same, because they are in almost the same position as me. I understand why people don’t like AI, they must just be reading fake-news about it and believing it. Why can’t they see that AI is a benefit for society?”

    Not once did you mention any of the reasons people are opposed to AI, just that you hope one day they will get over it and learn how to use the tools to bring down big business.

    I like how you imply that only programmers at large corporations know how to build things. If they would just use the AI tools I bet you could hire in a bunch more developers for cheap to boost productivity!

    Here’s a clue: no one gives a shit about making it slightly easier to code, make pictures, or write emails. The costs for maintaining the system and developing it are absurd when we have actual problems affecting people right now. This is all a waste of time, and is Americas latest scam. Before that was crypto currency, medical investment fraud, and a hundred other get rich quick/save the world schemes designed to do one thing: generate profit for a small group of people so they can ride off into the sunset, their American dream complete.