Meep :3
They/Them, also “It” when the critter calling me that is being cute ior affectionate :3 Very cute, but also weird and sometimes kinda sharp
Has been rescued…? ominous music plays bites life for being a butt >:(

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 26th, 2023

  • spoiler

    The article states that Sonny “grooms” Marie to be a housewife but she’s clearly written to want to be. There’s a difference between “look, these games are gross because you the player/player character coerce some poor girl into slaving away at home cooking and cleaning and raising kids for you” and “look, these games are gross because the writers made a character wanna be a tradwife with a job.”

    I had other stuff written but apparently didn’t post any of that. Bleh. Tired now, not gonna agree (nor stop getting silently downvoted, gotta love that) anyway. Off I go ö/

  • Idunno where you got the idea that I’m for slurs or against disabled people but it’s kinda insulting, especially when you took “sometimes said as a derogatory word” and ran it like it’s the whole point or the article over the complaint that got its own paragraph (the Pulp Fiction bit) and shared the same sentence the disability bit is in, or the one that got the whole rest of the article (that it’s vaguely unprofessional). In fact I’m getting more irked every time I go look for evidence that I’ve misinterpreted it. Reading through a couple crap anecdotes to one that actually says something, we get a VP smirking at the name, which makes me wonder whether that person’s just a hateful prick smirking at a disability term or one of the many who giggle at any reference to anything associated with sex. The other three are just “some people dislike the name.” I conclude that the article does not take issue primarily with the name being an abusive term and wonder why you’d say that.

    I muchly dislike careless use of abusive terms (I’ve probably got an essay or two ranting over the usage (and existence) of “crazy” and “insane,” for example) so I really don’t disagree that abusive terms should be treated much more seriously.

    My entire point was that the author seems to be throwing things at the wall hoping something sticks, not seriously worrying some spooky scary BDSM critter (hi, it’s me :3 ) is gonna tie them up (of course not, the ropes are for me :3 ), nor that anyone’s getting bullied by the tool’s name or it’s irritating old wounds or really anything at all. I don’t think they’re taking any of this seriously. If the term’s abusive in a way that can’t be neutralized by taking it from abusers and making it something else (an arguably valid thing to do) then that’s worth actual serious discussion and not just part of one sentence in a six-page essay.

    tl;dr: The article barely even mentions anything about disability and, I think, does so more as an excuse for itself than out of any serious concern for anyone. My complaint/point is, to be clear, exclusively that the article is crap and not that abusive terminology is okay. The article has failed to demonstrate any actual problem with the name itself other than handwavey “some people say” that it’s vaguely unprofessional.

  • This really isn’t the article it wishes it were :-\ It kinda reeks of “I’ve picked a thing I want to argue and now I’m going to make up an argument for it” down to admitting that good sources aren’t available (which makes me wonder whether there are no good sources at all or just no good sources that support the author’s argument).

    Bonus unpoints for the BDSM reference, just because I hate seeing that term held up as a negative or scary kind of thing and I feel like and/or choose to believe that’s the point in such an unprofessional article, rather than simply meaning “Look, it means sex stuff and that’s unprofessional.” So there. Nyeh! 😝

    Also, I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone who actually used or contributed to the GIMP (or intended to) complain about the name. I’m interested in seeing some actual data on that, if there is any. Personally I wouldn’t particularly mind a name change but I can’t say whether it’d get more attention and interest than it’d lose to irritating people accustomed to the current one.

  • Idunno if it’s what you meant but this comment could read like “They took a dumpster fire, poured it into a septic tank, and then added something unpleasant” 😅 Seems Fallout 4 isn’t much-loved, and at least in my mind NMS is never gonna escape the shitstorm it caused at launch (though even I’ve bought a copy by now) so… owch!

    Either way, I fully agree that possibly the most despised-for-being-dull game of the year getting called “innovative” is asinine. Maybe it’s sarcastic? The only other option that makes any sense is that a lot of people just voted for it because they knew the name and had no real opinion. Kinda gross if that’s the case :-\

  • I’ve just started another playthrough of Mass Effect: Andromeda! Took ages to get the mod manager and EA’s app thing and Linux/Wine/??? all cooperating (or at least not fighting me effectively enough that I can’t play the game :P ) but off I’ve gone!

    Hmmmm, what else lately. Battlefield V, apparently. Bit of PlanetSide 2. Started SIC-1 (the single instruction set computer programming game) but haven’t really been in a mood for it. Tried Stellaris again to see if Swayland changed the microstutters. It did not. Game looks horrifically complex now too, so meh. Tried again to find a new build that interested me in Path of Exile but no :-\ Uhhhhmmmm, touched Endless Space 2 a little, played some Helium Rain (which is free now! Very neat little space freelancer-to-empire kinda thing, like an itty bitty baby version of an X game). Almost went back to Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous which I love but an out-of-game sad and increasing memory-distance from my playthrough are making it harder to go back.

    Oh, also logging into STO for the winter event and complaining about the Winter Wonderland. You’d think that being an ice princess I’d love the winter event but it’s awful. You know a winter event is bad when I strongly prefer the summer event! Totally backward, makes no sense! Rar rar rar, et cetera!

    Anyway, this has been my latelish-gamesy ramble. I hope somecritter has enjoyed or at least I won’t get downvoted into Oblivion. Though at least if I do I can maybe meet some cool Daedra :3 (This post is being written directly after “waking up” (assuming I have, in fact, done so) and as such the thoughts represented within may or may not be my own, rational, intelligible, or representative of any official royal policy or belief)

  • Just hope the 60s and 70s don’t come back, I guess? Or not care?

    Edit: Okay, I really need to stop posting things right after waking up. I’m sorry; I hadn’t read the article. Hadn’t realized it focused on those. I suppose my answer still kinda works, though. Partially sarcastically, maybe. Bring back 60s/70s fashions to troll the clothes-banners and expect them to chill? I’m having a really hard time caring about other people’s clothes at the moment and don’t see why people think they have a right to dress others.