StudSpud The Starchy

Put a fork in me, I’m done.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I don’t mind paying the excess or whatever, it’ll hurt but it was my responsibility lol. I’m just waiting to see what the RE says about the plumbers report. I should have asked him but I wasn’t thinking.

    I actually don’t have a fan heater. My anko one caught fire last winter so I checked it and never bought another. I’ve been running the split system but it’s on dry ATM. It’s old AF though, hence why I’ll be getting a dehumidifier this weekend (we have issues with condensation as well, the whole building does). I check for a fan heater as well, but it won’t be a fucking anko again hahaha.

  • Thank you 💜 I needed this. And yeah I wasn’t gonna get a plumber for the washing machine, was gonna do what you suggested and find a YT vid on it, and research a bit on repairing it. Dad said he would help me with it if I need :D

    Edit: oh the washing machine isn’t that heavy, it’s a refurbished top loader and dad reckons they’re easier than front loaders 🤷‍♀️ but yeah it moves surprisingly easy. Side note: I always forget my massive fridge actually has little wheels, it looks heavy but it moves easy too lol

    Thank you 💜

  • Sorry for the rant:

    Stressed about the water leak from my washing machine. I reckon I might be able to fix the connection, as it’s leaking from where the machines drainage pipe connects.

    I don’t mind if I have to pay the call out fee for the plumber, as it wasn’t an urgent repair. Just stressed about how long it had been going for and the water in the carpet. I’ve had the AC on the dry setting overnight and will be picking up a dehumidifier this weekend. Gotta dry it all out before I can figure out how bad any water damage may be for the skirting board and carpet.

    Sigh, I think my RE is gonna hate me now. Least I’m not planning on moving any time soon so maybe I can fix it up over time, bit by bit. Idk. Or the RE is gonna lose their minds and take us to VCAT or some shit. Idk how this works. I’ve never had this happen before.

    Whatever, I get my tax return soon, so does my partner, and he is due for a big bonus soon. So if we do need to pay for extensive repairs by a professional, then we may be able to.

    I’ve just felt so anxious and sick since yesterday, couldn’t sleep, just stressing out over everything now.

    Worst comes to worst, I could prolly ask my dad for help. But that just brings with it the feelings of being a failure of a daughter ugh. Ugh!

    I know it will all be okay, we’ll get through whatever comes at us, but I just feel a bit overwhelmed right now, I think.

    Edit: I’m gonna call my dad tonight when he’s done with work, I need some moral support from him I think 😭

  • overthinking overreacting

    Torn between feeling good and feeling bad. I feel good because next week I start my course and I’m changing my future.

    But I feel bad because I feel so far behind. I don’t even have $40k of super. I don’t have a career. I’ve burnt my brains out trying and failing at call centre work for 10 years. I still feel like I’m failing. That I have already failed and I’m waiting for it to catch up with me. I can go back and blame the first 28 years of my life but I’m also autonomous. Why haven’t I got a high powered career making big money and have a nice nest egg. I’ve never had enough to even travel to Bali FFS. Idk. I just feel the weight of the past more than ever and I. scared of failing again. It’s gonna take me three years to get where I want to be, qualification wise, and I’ll be 35. And I have to then find work and start paying my HECS off. I don’t feel like I’m ever gonna have a home or feel financially secure.