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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • It’s weird. You’re asking me to accept constructive criticism, but a) you’re not offering any and b) you’re continuing with the ad hominem, and failing to offer an actual position despite it being very constructive feedback to your argument. You’re calling it “intellectually vapid nonsense” but you’re only offering logical fallacies. You’re just noise and hypocrisy.

    My “understanding of political theory, history and philosophy” is backed by a career in the DC and NYC political sphere, including the White House, several campaigns, and extensive work with NPOs/NGOs. I’ve met and worked with 5 US Presidents, and more than 230 congresscritters on both sides of the aisle, and have personal commendations from the CEO, COO, and CTO of the USA so I feel pretty confident that I’ve got a well developed perspective. You’ve seen my work. So please enlighten me.

    If you’ll notice in the previous postings, I was able to disagree with others while accepting their positions and without belittling them. Every assertion you’re making now is disproved before you even typed it, so I’m not sure why you’re rattling your cage. If you want to be a part of the discussion, and wish to bring about new information, I’m amenable to change my position, but your post is really just finger wagging and more of “NUH UH!!”.

    I’m sorry my comment didn’t meet your standards. I’m tired of reading the same intellectually vapid nonsense every day.

    Did you seriously type this passive aggressive nonsense and put it into the world? Do you hear yourself? Do better.

  • You haven’t really shown us anything. You’ve taken a contrarian position so that you can either a) push a false narrative, or b) make yourself feel like you have some sort of special, secret knowledge so you can feel superior about one thing in an otherwise shitty life.

    Liveuamap.com shows a border that is moving in the direction that most reporting days it is. It is fairly easy to confirm/deny by external agencies, as it represents something physical and tangible. Either Russia is getting whooped on, or the map is lying. With satellite images, videos on location, and gps data, nobody has called it out yet. You’re welcome to give it a go, and if you can disprove it, I’m all ears

    Until then, facts is facts, son.

  • There was a time when you would have been right, but at this point, they are a part of the problem, not a symptom of it.

    They are actively voting in and supporting people who are disrupting attempts to mitigate the actual issues. For example, every American should be against gerrymandering, as it is expressly anti-democratic, yet here we are voting in toxic people who are running interference on any effort to combat it.

    This should be a bipartisan issue. I lived in Maryland for a long time and my district looked like an electrocuted spider, in favor of the Dems. Republicans should be against this, but here we are slamming our hand into the car door every time we try to make progress.

    The people pulling the strings should be held accountable, no question. Pretending that these folks aren’t the problem is nice for diplomacy, but it’s no longer the case.

  • I don’t disagree with you, but at some point, most of these folks are grown ass adults with full cognitive capacity and the same access to information as the rest of us.

    It’s a commitment and dedication to wilfull ignorance that is a conscious decision. They make the choice to ignore new information and ignore their own values and hypocrisy. They are 100% responsible for their own actions and treating them as victims invalidates their responsibilities and denies them personal accountability.

    I don’t know that I’d call them subhuman, but they are hurting, killing, and oppressing people in active worship to the God of ignorance. These are bad people, and they don’t deserve your defense.

  • I’m not saying it wasn’t profitable. It’s a hell of an achievement that it was.

    Just that they took on a lot of investment capital and it wasn’t the kind of return that investors were expecting.

    Ultimately, the efficacy of social media advertising on the whole is in the decline. The number and types of companies that used to advertise and run their business on Facebook is so different today than it was five years ago, and business are seeing far less return for their budget.

    Twitter was riding a knife’s edge (particularly during COVID) and would have to really scramble to stay in the red in the future.

  • Man…

    I was pretty bummed when I heard that Twitter was going to die. There are some cool moments in history that happened on Twitter. It was a hell of a ride, but the writing was on the wall well before Elon bought it. It was time to go.

    But not like this.

    It deserved a good death. Not to have it’s corpse raped on full display over and over.

    A lot of very talented people committed so much time and energy to this. When it launched, it was a novel idea and they really forged some roads in our understanding of how we communicate and receive information.

    It was clear at the end that it would never produce the kind of ROI on advertising to make investors happy, and that Nazis had clearly taken over the platform and used it to bastardize journalism further. It was time to go to pasture.

    But not like this.

    Hopefully its mutilated, humiliated and desiccated corpse will feed the growth of the federated web.

    I hope you find peace, sweet prince.