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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • Comrade, you see back in old days, a strong Soviet man might have to fall out of window 30 or 40 times before finally succumbing to injuries. Minor improvements in window falling technology improved this over time. Improvements like feeding political enemies high calorie foods thus making them heavier. Also promotions worked for many. By first promoting the unfortunate soul, you could insure that they lived on a higher floor or had a house with a 3rd story. However, all of these solutions took much time. It wasn’t until 1 brilliant pioneer realized that if the unfortunate accident victim first broke neck before falling out of window, then even the sturdiest of men could fall out of even basement window just once.

  • Sort of, but carbs are problematic.so its not cut and dried. Also, not all your calories have to come from carbs. For instance, Keto diets get rid of most, if not all, carbs from your diet. I suspect that a keto diet would probably be ideal for me considering how badly my body handles carbs, but I just don’t have the willpower, money, or time to do a keto diet.
    I’m no dietitian or doctor, so I can’t actually give you advice on your diet directly. I get on here to rant because I’m sick of being sold bad information and bad foods just to increase corporate profits, and then having so called professionals treat me like it’s my fault that their continued bad advice makes everything worse for me.
    The simple fact is that some people’s bodies are different, and some of us really need fat in our diets.
    From what you have said, it really seems like you need to find a proper nutritionist. Not someone trying to sell you a specific diet, or supplement, but someone who can look through your medical history, and help you figure out something that will work for you.
    I am willing to bet that unless you have allergies, or other medical issues that preclude them, that eggs will be one of the top things on their food recommendations.

  • The problem could be how fast you digest your food. As high as fat is in calories, it also digests much slower than sugar. So low fat might actually worse for you in a lot of cases.
    Eggs are great. Protein is also very slow to digest. Eggs are mostly protein and fat, and the fat is largely good fats. Eggs also take well to being mixed with other foods. Once you get sick of basic eggs, like fried eggs and scrambled eggs, then you can sprinkle a little bit of cheese on it and it’s a completely different flavor. Full fat cheese please, none of that 2% bullshit. Add some bread and you have an egg and cheese sandwich, toast and eggs, toad in the hole, or basic French toast.
    I have spent most of my life struggling with low blood sugar issues. It is not only difficult to live with, but it is impossible to find real advice on how to deal with it. Most doctors are arrogant pricks that tell you just to eat less. Sure, I’ll just go on a diet again and lose consciousness on the way home from work again, great fucking advice.

    If it is really negatively affecting your health, you might also look at semaglutide. It works by making you digest slower. That has been a game changer for me. Being able to eat like a normal person is freeing… I actually worked through lunch this weekend. Completely forgot to eat because I was doing something really interesting. If you don’t understand how big a deal that is, then you just need to work on eating better foods, you don’t need the semaglutide. If that sounds like a fantasy thing that You would never f****** dare, then it might be something to look into.