Nice work on the interface! I especially like the cat :3
Nice work on the interface! I especially like the cat :3
This is the one I bought. I went with the “Chip” version, that has an integrated serial-chip https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32869729970.html
In the beginning I struggled with getting the display to work, until I found this forum post https://community.home-assistant.io/t/using-ttgo-epaper-display-with-esphome/168877/27 Aside from that, I mostly used the ESPHome website that hendrik in the other comment mentioned. It took a lot of trial and error, since I didn’t know any YAML beforehand.
Thanks! I get the information from the Entur integration in HA, which gets data from several of the public transport services in Norway. The information is live, and there’s even an attribute for current delay.
It’s wild how the Samsung Galaxy Note was considered a large phone when you look at today’s phone sizes.