• 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2020


  • TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlNo thanks China!
    4 months ago

    There is no whataboutism in pointing out your argument is reversed and completely false. Also, “whataboutism” is a dog whistle word used by Westerners for deflection used to abrupt or end the argument when there are no real counterpoints. And since US government loves to demonize their “near-peer competitors” (official term) China and Russia, it is perfectly fair to argue with US in perspective.

    will be kicked out for much less than what tiktok does

    Tesla car cameras were being used by CIA to spy on Chinese military areas. Tesla got banned from roaming around military areas and still operates and manufactures there.

  • once the data gets sent to a Chinese server, it’s gone. It’s like a void.

    This sounds insanely xenophobic and racist.

    Those “data collections analysis” can speculate, but they truly have no idea what happens with that data.

    The one doing speculation is you. Analysis is not speculation. Maybe check a dictionary.

    it’s demonstrable wrong to say that they collect less data.

    I wouldn’t say

    Facts or feelings. Choose one. You have not yet chosen facts.

  • You pretend you are objective, while insinuating the motive of USA companies is solely to make money and advertise, while China is the big baddie “narrative” manipulator, which is some alternate reality bullshit. China is not the country that has done foreign interventions and/or genocides in 100+ countries. Or stuff like the genocide in Myanmar which Facebook facilitated, or the intentional misreporting Reuters did during Tiananmen Square to make it look like those CIA paycheck “democracy” students who burnt PLA soldiers alive first were good people.

  • TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlNo thanks China!
    4 months ago

    I am tired of the unspoken Western Big Tech apologia. TikTok OBJECTIVELY collects far lesser data than Big Tech apps and services, according to reports from 2 reputed data collection analysis companies. Moreover, the below assumes you have an account, which is not even needed to use TikTok, unlike Instagram or Snapchat.

    https://clario.co/blog/which-company-uses-most-data/ https://www.truepeoplesearch.com/insights/info-tech-companies-collecting-from-you

    One of the key important aspects of threat modelling for your desired privacy is the acceptance of facts instead of false nationalist opinions.

    Moreover, while TikTok collects basic data, it never forces you to login other than for commenting (for obvious reasons) and similarly personal things, unlike Instagram. If you open an IG link in web browser, you cannot replay the video second time, and if you scroll the account’s posted images and videos, you will not be able to flick through a second time.

    Unlike Tiktok, with Western platforms and services like Facebook, you give phone number, contact book, IMEI, location data, email, some name or pseudonym et al. With TikTok, none, because you do not need an account for it.

    Facebook/Instagram and major Western platforms’ data collection on a user is more than what TikTok does on a user, even if there is an account on both services. On top of this, TikTok does not have tracking pixels, ad networks, CDN and other methods of tracking on other websites, unlike Facebook ecosystem. This allows Facebook ecosystem to correlate, interlink and form data clusters on users and IP addresses. Remember how Facebook ecosystem disallows accountless access? Or how they C&D’d Barinsta developer Austin Huang, citing they dislike anonymous access to Instagram?

    Western platforms also inject malware in browser using domains like https://netseer-ipaddr-assoc.xy.fbcdn.net/, something TikTok does not do if you do not have an account.

    This is precisely what makes TikTok objectively so harmless without an account, and even with an account, relatively far less harmful. It does not mean TikTok does not collect data, but the difference is too wide. These are the facts, free of American nationalist propaganda.

    I do not even use TikTok.

    1. TikTok, regardless of the country of origin, is known to be spyware on a much greater level than everything else on this list. It collects every click, interaction, and even your clipboard, among other things, sometimes while not using the app.

    Can you provide concrete proof that this is the case, when compared to other Western social media platforms? You sound like a scientologist.

  • TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlNo thanks China!
    4 months ago

    China does not even spy a hundredth of what USA does. Since Anglos love to quantify everything, it might be a good idea to quantify spying too. 160 GB sounds like nothing to me compared to millions of TBs in Utah datacenters. By your logic, one person who killed one person, and one person who committed a murder of 10000s of people, are equally guilty.