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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Not entirely their call. I have little sympathy for the likes of Sony, Samsung et al but they’re also beholden to the entertainment industry which is very VERY pro-DRM (and the like). Open Source standards will make it much harder to lock down TVs and make it easier to pirate shit (or, you know, actually fully own your TV and do whatever the fuck you want with it). They won’t be dropping those ‘calls’ any time soon, not unless pissing off the entertainment industry worked out as more profit.

  • We’ve used a couple of different Pis and a couple of different Odroids. The Odroids have been excellent and trouble free, the Pis not so much. Initially we got a Pi because we thought with the bigger community and better software support it would be easier to troubleshoot issues. Except that they have been regular problems that we haven’t always been able to work around or fix. One of them got relegated to a retro game ‘console’ because it was more trouble than it was worth. We’ve had little issues with the Odroids that wasn’t easily sorted.

  • Probably because normally there’s a huge financial and social disparity between shoe shiners and the people getting their shoes done. Classism is a learned behaviour so it’s disconcerting and unpleasant seeing such young children who wouldn’t yet understand classism behaving in discriminatory or prejudiced/internalised oppression behaviours.

    Additionally the shoes shining child has dark hair and is wearing what appears to be a fez/tarboush whereas the child getting their shoes shined is blonde - which brings to mind social disparaties between white people and POC/colonialism and could be seen as enforcing racist stereotypes, again in young children who wouldn’t normally have any sense of this sort discrimination.

    Tl;DR: It provokes a juxtaposition of innocent children against adult behaviours that involve classism, racism and colonialism.

    It’s like the Uncanny Valley of classis, racism and colonialism - it illicits feelings of discomfort but you can’t entirely put your finger on why.

  • It’s been years and I have Memory Impairment so I’m not sure but I think part of the issue with syncing was that we had a ‘family’ database which made for multiple devices and several people needing to sync that while frustrating at times was OK, until we had an episode of data loss that just killed it for us. Enpass had built in sync, a nicer UI, more features and jut more cohesive across devices.

    But again, my memory is very fuzzy and it’s worth looking into again because as good as Enpass is, it’s not open source.

  • I used to use Keepass (thanks person who said keep ass, I can’t not see that now) for many years but started to get frustrated with stuff not syncing properly and a few other reasons I can’t remember anymore. But I think I’ll have to give it a go again. I’ve been using Enpass for a number of years and it’s been good but I’ve never liked that it’s closed source.

  • I’m out so can’t watch the video but did he open the cartridge that came with the printer or a replacement cartridge? Ones that come with printers regularly have less ink than the replacement cartridges. So if he got the ink volume from the website or whatever he my have gotten the replacement cartridge ink volume amount.

    Printers and their replacement ink cartridges are absolutely a scam, just wanted to ndering if thi person is making an accurate comparison which could lead to people thinking they’ve been more ripped off than they actually have.

  • Google is supposed (SUPPOSED) to serve up closest to what you search for. SEO is the antithesis of this - it games the system to get a given website closer to or in front of your eyeballs even if it’s content is less relevant. And Google has allowed this to continue (or more likely encouraged it on the down low because businesses that are SEO obsessed are more likely to be send money Google’s way) because Google isn’t a search engine anymore - Google is an advertising company with some internet services slapped on. Google ‘search’ is just a clown face for one of their advertising strategies. It doesn’t serve up what’s relevant - it serves up as much results that generate it revenue as possible without being so obvious about it that users get pissed off and switch search engines.

  • Not always. And I don’t see the key distinction you mean. Can you explain further.

    Using the example of my city again, there’s no difference between the buses and taxis here in terms of contracted or not. The various bus companies are all privately owned. Some still have their own liveries. Some have the city council liveries. Some bus services don’t have regular contracts with the council/government at all and just run various private services. Sometimes the council will contract them for one off services. Regardless of how they look or the contract (or lack thereof), they’re all privately owned.

    All the taxis are private owned. But the government/council contracts them for certain purposes. For example, if you are injured and unable to drive, ACC will pay for a taxi to take you to and from health services.

    All of these companies are for-profita nd make profit from their contracts.

    The profit made by some of the public services by private companies is a regular issue of contention in this country. As is the selling off by state owned public interest facilities (such as the rail system, power generation, communications, etc.).