• 2 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: May 9th, 2024


  • Haskell

    Detecting regions is a floodfill. For Part 2, I select all adjacent tiles that are not part of a region and group them by the direction relative to the closest region tile, then group adjacent tiles with the same direction again and count.


    Takes 0.06s

    Reveal Code
    import Control.Arrow
    import Data.Array.Unboxed (UArray)
    import Data.Set (Set)
    import Data.Map (Map)
    import qualified Data.List as List
    import qualified Data.Set as Set
    import qualified Data.Map as Map
    import qualified Data.Array.Unboxed as UArray
    parse :: String -> UArray (Int, Int) Char
    parse s = UArray.listArray ((1, 1), (n, m)) . filter (/= '\n') $ s
                    n = takeWhile (/= '\n') >>> length $ s
                    m = filter (== '\n') >>> length >>> pred $ s
    neighborCoordinates (p1, p2) = [(p1-1, p2), (p1, p2-1), (p1, p2+1), (p1+1, p2)]
    allNeighbors p a = neighborCoordinates
            >>> filter (UArray.inRange (UArray.bounds a))
            $ p
    regionNeighbors p a = allNeighbors p
            >>> filter ((a UArray.!) >>> (== pTile))
            $ a
                    pTile = a UArray.! p
    floodArea :: Set (Int, Int) -> Set (Int, Int) -> UArray (Int, Int) Char -> Set (Int, Int)
    floodArea e o a
            | Set.null o = e
            | otherwise  = floodArea e' o' a
                    e' = Set.union e o
                    o' = Set.fold (Set.union . Set.fromDistinctAscList .  (filter (`Set.notMember` e')) . (flip regionNeighbors a)) Set.empty o
    findRegions garden = findRegions' (Set.fromList . UArray.indices $ garden) garden
    findRegions' remainingIndices garden
            | Set.null remainingIndices = []
            | otherwise = removedIndices : findRegions' remainingIndices' garden
                    removedIndices = floodArea Set.empty (Set.singleton . Set.findMin $ remainingIndices) garden
                    remainingIndices' = Set.difference remainingIndices removedIndices
    perimeter region = Set.fold ((+) . length . filter (`Set.notMember` region) . neighborCoordinates) 0 region
    part1 rs = map (Set.size &&& perimeter)
            >>> map (uncurry (*))
            >>> sum
            $ rs
    turnLeft ( 0, 1) = (-1, 0) -- right
    turnLeft ( 0,-1) = ( 1, 0) -- left
    turnLeft ( 1, 0) = ( 0, 1) -- down
    turnLeft (-1, 0) = ( 0,-1) -- up
    turnRight = turnLeft . turnLeft . turnLeft
    move (py, px) (dy, dx) = (py + dy, px + dx)
    tupleDelta (y1, x1) (y2, x2) = (y1-y2, x1-x2)
    isRegionInner region p = all (`Set.member` region) (neighborCoordinates p)
    groupEdges d ps
            | Set.null ps = []
            | otherwise   = collectedEdge : groupEdges d ps'
                    ps' = Set.difference ps collectedEdge
                    collectedEdge = Set.union leftPoints rightPoints
                    leftPoints = iterate (move dl)
                            >>> takeWhile (`Set.member` ps)
                            >>> Set.fromList
                            $ currentPoint
                    rightPoints = iterate (move dr)
                            >>> takeWhile (`Set.member` ps)
                            >>> Set.fromList
                            $ currentPoint
                    currentPoint = Set.findMin ps
                    dr = turnRight d
                    dl = turnLeft  d
    linearPerimeter region = Map.foldr ((+) . length) 0 $ groupedEdges
                    edgeTiles = Set.filter (not . isRegionInner region) region
                    regionNeighbors = List.concatMap (\ p -> map (p,). filter (`Set.notMember` region) . neighborCoordinates $ p) . Set.toList $ region
                    groupedNeighbors = List.map (uncurry tupleDelta &&& Set.singleton . snd)
                            >>> Map.fromListWith (Set.union)
                            $ regionNeighbors
                    groupedEdges = Map.mapWithKey groupEdges
                            $ groupedNeighbors
    part2 rs = map (Set.size &&& linearPerimeter)
            >>> map (uncurry (*))
            >>> sum
            $ rs
    main = getContents
            >>= print
            . (part1 &&& part2)
            . findRegions
            . parse

  • Haskell

    Sometimes I want something mutable, this one takes 0.3s, profiling tells me 30% of my time is spent creating new objects. :/

    import Control.Arrow
    import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
    import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
    import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
    type StoneCache = Map Int Int
    type BlinkCache = Map Int StoneCache
    parse :: String -> [Int]
    parse = lines >>> head >>> words >>> map read
    memoizedCountSplitStones :: BlinkCache -> Int -> Int -> (Int, BlinkCache)
    memoizedCountSplitStones m 0 _ = (1, m)
    memoizedCountSplitStones m i n 
            | Maybe.isJust maybeMemoized = (Maybe.fromJust maybeMemoized, m)
            | n == 0     = do
                    let (r, rm) = memoizedCountSplitStones m (pred i) (succ n)
                    let rm' = cacheWrite rm i n r
                    (r, rm')
            | digitCount `mod` 2 == 0 = do
                    let (r1, m1) = memoizedCountSplitStones m  (pred i) firstSplit
                    let (r2, m2) = memoizedCountSplitStones m1 (pred i) secondSplit
                    let m' = cacheWrite m2 i n (r1+r2)
                    (r1 + r2, m')
            | otherwise = do
                    let (r, m') = memoizedCountSplitStones m (pred i) (n * 2024)
                    let m'' = cacheWrite m' i n r
                    (r, m'')
                    secondSplit    = n `mod` (10 ^ (digitCount `div` 2))
                    firstSplit     = (n - secondSplit) `div` (10 ^ (digitCount `div` 2))
                    digitCount     = succ . floor . logBase 10 . fromIntegral $ n
                    maybeMemoized  = cacheLookup m i n
    foldMemoized :: Int -> (Int, BlinkCache) -> Int -> (Int, BlinkCache)
    foldMemoized i (r, m) n = (r + r2, m')
                    (r2, m') = memoizedCountSplitStones m i n
    cacheWrite :: BlinkCache -> Int -> Int -> Int -> BlinkCache
    cacheWrite bc i n r = Map.adjust (Map.insert n r) i bc
    cacheLookup :: BlinkCache -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Int
    cacheLookup bc i n = do
            sc <- bc Map.!? i
            sc Map.!? n
    emptyCache :: BlinkCache
    emptyCache = Map.fromList [ (i, Map.empty) | i <- [1..75]]
    part1 = foldl (foldMemoized 25) (0, emptyCache)
            >>> fst
    part2 = foldl (foldMemoized 75) (0, emptyCache)
            >>> fst
    main = getContents
            >>= print
            . (part1 &&& part2)
            . parse

  • Haskell

    Cool task, nothing to optimize

    import Control.Arrow
    import Data.Array.Unboxed (UArray)
    import Data.Set (Set)
    import qualified Data.Char as Char
    import qualified Data.List as List
    import qualified Data.Set as Set
    import qualified Data.Array.Unboxed as UArray
    parse :: String -> UArray (Int, Int) Int
    parse s = UArray.listArray ((1, 1), (n, m)) . map Char.digitToInt . filter (/= '\n') $ s
                    n = takeWhile (/= '\n') >>> length $ s
                    m = filter (== '\n') >>> length >>> pred $ s
    reachableNeighbors :: (Int, Int) -> UArray (Int, Int) Int -> [(Int, Int)]
    reachableNeighbors p@(py, px) a = List.filter (UArray.inRange (UArray.bounds a))
            >>> List.filter ((a UArray.!) >>> pred >>> (== (a UArray.! p)))
            $ [(py-1, px), (py+1, px), (py, px-1), (py, px+1)]
    distinctTrails :: (Int, Int) -> UArray (Int, Int) Int -> Int
    distinctTrails p a
            | a UArray.! p == 9 = 1
            | otherwise = flip reachableNeighbors a
                    >>> List.map (flip distinctTrails a)
                    >>> sum
                    $ p
    reachableNines :: (Int, Int) -> UArray (Int, Int) Int -> Set (Int, Int)
    reachableNines p a
            | a UArray.! p == 9 = Set.singleton p
            | otherwise = flip reachableNeighbors a
                    >>> List.map (flip reachableNines a)
                    >>> Set.unions
                    $ p
    findZeros = UArray.assocs
            >>> filter (snd >>> (== 0))
            >>> map fst
    part1 a = findZeros
            >>> map (flip reachableNines a)
            >>> map Set.size
            >>> sum
            $ a
    part2 a = findZeros
            >>> map (flip distinctTrails a)
            >>> sum
            $ a
    main = getContents
            >>= print
            . (part1 &&& part2)
            . parse

  • Thank you for the detailed explanation!, it made me realize that our solutions are very similar. Instead of keeping a Dict[Int, List[Int]] where the value list is ordered I have a Dict[Int, Tree[Int]] which allows for easy (and fast!) lookup due to the nature of trees. (Also lists in haskell are horrible to mutate)

    I also apply the your technique of only processing each file once, instead of calculating the checksum afterwards on the entire list of file blocks I calculate it all the time whenever I process a file. Using some maths I managed to reduce the sum to a constant expression.

  • Haskell

    This was fun, I optimized away quite a bit, as a result it now runs in 0.04s for both parts together on my 2016 laptop.

    In part 1 I just run through the array with a start- and an end-index whilst summing up the checksum the entire time.
    In part 2 I build up Binary Trees of Free Space which allow me to efficiently search for and insert free spaces when I start traversing the disk from the back. Marking the moved files as free is omitted because the checksum is calculated for every file that is moved or not moved directly.

    import Control.Monad
    import Data.Bifunctor
    import Control.Arrow hiding (first, second)
    import Data.Map (Map)
    import Data.Set (Set)
    import Data.Array.Unboxed (UArray)
    import qualified Data.Map as Map
    import qualified Data.Set as Set
    import qualified Data.Ord as Ord
    import qualified Data.List as List
    import qualified Data.Char as Char
    import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
    import qualified Data.Array.Unboxed as UArray
    toNumber = flip (-) (Char.ord '0') <<< Char.ord 
    type FileID = Int
    type FileLength = Int
    type DiskPosition = Int
    type File = (FileID, (DiskPosition, FileLength))
    type EmptyMap = Map FileLength (Set DiskPosition)
    readDisk :: DiskPosition -> [(Bool, FileLength)] -> [(Bool, (DiskPosition, FileLength))]
    readDisk _ [] = []
    readDisk o ((True, l):fs)  = (True, (o, l))  : readDisk (o+l) fs
    readDisk o ((False, l):fs) = (False, (o, l)) : readDisk (o+l) fs
    parse2 :: String -> ([File], EmptyMap)
    parse2 s = takeWhile (/= '\n')
            >>> map toNumber
            >>> zip (cycle [True, False]) -- True is File, False is empty
            >>> readDisk 0
            >>> List.partition fst
            >>> join bimap (map snd)
            >>> first (zip [0..])
            >>> first List.reverse
            >>> second (filter (snd >>> (/= 0)))
            >>> second (List.sortOn snd)
            >>> second (List.groupBy (curry $ (snd *** snd) >>> uncurry (==)))
            >>> second (List.map (snd . head &&& map fst))
            >>> second (List.map (second Set.fromDistinctAscList))
            >>> second Map.fromDistinctAscList
            $ s
    maybeMinimumBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> Maybe a
    maybeMinimumBy _ [] = Nothing
    maybeMinimumBy f as = Just $ List.minimumBy f as
    fileChecksum fid fpos flen = fid * (fpos * flen + ((flen-1) * (flen-1) + (flen-1)) `div` 2)
    type Checksum = Int
    moveFilesAccumulate :: (Checksum, EmptyMap) -> File -> (Checksum, EmptyMap)
    moveFilesAccumulate (check, spaces) (fid, (fpos, flen)) = do
            let bestFit = Map.map (Set.minView)
                    >>> Map.toList
                    >>> List.filter (fst >>> (>= flen))
                    >>> List.filter (snd >>> Maybe.isJust)
                    >>> List.map (second Maybe.fromJust) -- [(FileLength, (DiskPosition, Set DiskPosition))]
                    >>> List.filter (snd >>> fst >>> (< fpos))
                    >>> maybeMinimumBy (\ (_, (p, _)) (_, (p', _)) -> Ord.compare p p')
                    $ spaces
            case bestFit of
                    Nothing -> (check + fileChecksum fid fpos flen, spaces)
                    Just (spaceLength, (spacePosition, remainingSet)) -> do
                            -- remove the old empty entry by replacing the set
                            let updatedMap  = Map.update (const $! Just remainingSet) spaceLength spaces
                            -- add the remaining space, if any
                            let remainingSpace = spaceLength - flen
                            let remainingSpacePosition = spacePosition + flen
                            let updatedMap' = if remainingSpace == 0 then updatedMap else Map.insertWith (Set.union) remainingSpace (Set.singleton remainingSpacePosition) updatedMap
                            (check + fileChecksum fid spacePosition flen, updatedMap')
    parse1 :: String -> UArray Int Int
    parse1 s = UArray.listArray (0, sum lengthsOnly - 1) blocks
                    lengthsOnly = filter (/= '\n')
                            >>> map toNumber
                            $ s :: [Int]
                    blocks = zip [0..]
                            >>> List.concatMap (\ (index, n) -> if index `mod` 2 == 0 then replicate n (index `div` 2) else replicate n (-1))
                            $ lengthsOnly :: [Int]
    moveBlocksAccumulate :: Int -> Int -> UArray Int Int -> Int
    moveBlocksAccumulate start stop array
            | start      == stop   = if startBlock == -1 then 0 else start * startBlock
            | start      >  stop   = 0
            | stopBlock  == -1     = moveBlocksAccumulate start (stop - 1) array
            | startBlock == -1     = movedChecksum + moveBlocksAccumulate (start + 1) (stop - 1) array
            | startBlock /= -1     = startChecksum + moveBlocksAccumulate (start + 1) stop array
                    startBlock    = array UArray.! start
                    stopBlock     = array UArray.! stop
                    movedChecksum = stopBlock * start
                    startChecksum = startBlock * start
    part1 a = moveBlocksAccumulate 0 arrayLength a
                    (_, arrayLength) = UArray.bounds a
    part2 (files, spaces) = foldl moveFilesAccumulate (0, spaces)
            >>> fst
            $ files
    main = getContents
            >>= print
            . (part1 . parse1 &&& part2 . parse2)

  • Haskell

    Unoptimized as hell, also brute-force approach (laptops are beasts).

    {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
    import Control.Arrow
    import Control.Monad.ST (ST, runST)
    import Data.Array.ST (STUArray)
    import qualified Data.List as List
    import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
    import qualified Data.Array.MArray as MArray
    toNumber '0' = 0
    toNumber '1' = 1
    toNumber '2' = 2
    toNumber '3' = 3
    toNumber '4' = 4
    toNumber '5' = 5
    toNumber '6' = 6
    toNumber '7' = 7
    toNumber '8' = 8
    toNumber '9' = 9
    parse :: String -> [Int]
    parse s = filter (/= '\n')
            >>> map toNumber
            >>> zip [0..]
            >>> List.concatMap (\ (index, n) -> if index `mod` 2 == 0 then replicate n (index `div` 2) else replicate n (-1))
            $ s
    calculateChecksum :: [Int] -> Int
    calculateChecksum = zip [0..]
            >>> filter (snd >>> (/= -1))
            >>> map (uncurry (*))
            >>> sum
    moveFiles :: [Int] -> ST s Int
    moveFiles bs = do
            let bLength = length bs
            marray <- MArray.newListArray (1, bLength) bs
            moveFiles' marray 1 bLength
            elems <- MArray.getElems marray
            return $ calculateChecksum elems
    moveFiles' :: STUArray s Int Int -> Int -> Int -> ST s ()
    moveFiles' a start stop
            | start == stop = return ()
            | otherwise = do
                    stopBlock <- MArray.readArray a stop
                    if stopBlock == -1
                            moveFiles' a start (pred stop)
                                    startBlock <- MArray.readArray a start
                                    if startBlock == -1
                                                    MArray.writeArray a start stopBlock
                                                    MArray.writeArray a stop (-1)
                                                    moveFiles' a (succ start) (pred stop) 
                                            moveFiles' a (succ start) stop
    countConsecutive :: STUArray s Int Int -> Int -> Int -> ST s Int
    countConsecutive a i step = do
            block <- MArray.readArray a i
            let nextI = i + step
            bounds <- MArray.getBounds a
            if      | MArray.inRange bounds nextI ->
                                    nextBlock <- MArray.readArray a nextI
                                    if nextBlock == block
                                                    steps <- countConsecutive a nextI step
                                                    return $ 1 + steps
                                            return 1
                    | otherwise -> return 1
    findEmpty :: STUArray s Int Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> ST s (Maybe Int)
    findEmpty a i l s = do
            block <- MArray.readArray a i
            blockLength <- countConsecutive a i 1
            let nextI = i + blockLength
            bounds <- MArray.getBounds a
            let nextInBounds = MArray.inRange bounds nextI
            if      | i >= s                           -> return $! Nothing
                    | block == -1 && blockLength >= l  -> return $ Just i
                    | block /= -1 && nextInBounds      -> findEmpty a nextI l s
                    | blockLength <= l && nextInBounds -> findEmpty a nextI l s
                    | not nextInBounds                 -> return $! Nothing
    moveDefragmenting :: [Int] -> ST s Int
    moveDefragmenting bs = do
            let bLength = length bs
            marray <- MArray.newListArray (1, bLength) bs
            moveDefragmenting' marray bLength
            elems <- MArray.getElems marray
            return $ calculateChecksum elems
    moveDefragmenting' :: STUArray s Int Int -> Int -> ST s ()
    moveDefragmenting' a 1    = return ()
    moveDefragmenting' a stop
            | otherwise = do
                    stopBlock  <- MArray.readArray a stop
                    stopLength <- countConsecutive a stop (-1)
                    targetBlock <- findEmpty a 1 stopLength stop
                    elems <- MArray.getElems a
                    let nextStop = stop - stopLength
                    bounds <- MArray.getBounds a
                    let nextStopInRange = MArray.inRange bounds nextStop
                    if      | stopBlock == -1
                                    -> moveDefragmenting' a nextStop
                            | Maybe.isJust targetBlock 
                                    -> do
                                            let target = Maybe.fromJust targetBlock
                                            mapM_ (\ o -> MArray.writeArray a (stop - o) (-1)) [0..stopLength - 1]
                                            mapM_ (\ o -> MArray.writeArray a (target + o) stopBlock) [0..stopLength - 1]
                                            if nextStopInRange then moveDefragmenting' a nextStop else return ()
                            | nextStopInRange -> moveDefragmenting' a nextStop
                            | otherwise -> return ()
    part1 bs = runST $ moveFiles bs
    part2 bs = runST $ moveDefragmenting bs
    main = getContents
            >>= print
            . (part1 &&& part2)
            . parse

  • Haskell

    I overslept 26 minutes (AoC starts at 06:00 here) which upsets me more than it should.
    I thought this one was going to be hard on performance or memory but it was surprisingly easy.

    import Control.Arrow hiding (first, second)
    import Data.Bifunctor
    import Data.Array.Unboxed (UArray)
    import qualified Data.List as List
    import qualified Data.Set as Set
    import qualified Data.Array.Unboxed as Array
    parse :: String -> UArray (Int, Int) Char
    parse s = Array.listArray ((1, 1), (n, m)) . filter (/= '\n') $ s :: UArray (Int, Int) Char
                    n = takeWhile   (/= '\n') >>> length $ s
                    m = List.filter (== '\n') >>> length >>> pred $ s
    groupSnd:: Eq b => (a, b) -> (a', b) -> Bool
    groupSnd = curry (uncurry (==) <<< snd *** snd)
    cartesianProduct xs ys = [(x, y) | x <- xs, y <- ys]
    calculateAntitone ((y1, x1), (y2, x2)) = (y1 + dy, x1 + dx)
                    dy = y1 - y2
                    dx = x1 - x2
    antennaCombinations = Array.assocs
            >>> List.filter (snd >>> (/= '.'))
            >>> List.sortOn snd
            >>> List.groupBy groupSnd
            >>> map (map fst)
            >>> map (\ xs -> cartesianProduct xs xs)
            >>> map (filter (uncurry (/=)))
    part1 a = antennaCombinations
            >>> List.concatMap (map calculateAntitone)
            >>> List.filter (Array.inRange (Array.bounds a))
            >>> Set.fromList
            >>> Set.size
            $ a
    calculateAntitones ((y1, x1), (y2, x2)) = iterate (bimap (+dy) (+dx)) (y1, x1)
                    dy = y1 - y2
                    dx = x1 - x2
    part2 a = antennaCombinations
            >>> List.map (map calculateAntitones)
            >>> List.concatMap (List.concatMap (takeWhile (Array.inRange (Array.bounds a))))
            >>> Set.fromList
            >>> Set.size
            $ a
    main = getContents
            >>= print
            . (part1 &&& part2)
            . parse