• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • yeah, it’s frustrating when they’re smug about it but I’d argue that suggesting an alternative where this issue doesn’t happen is helpful advice even if you don’t agree with it. I do agree that ‘just switch to linux’ is a gross oversimplification as there will be some growing pains and there are a few hurdles that may at present be unsurmountable. I also find it amusing that you present digging up registry hacks and fighting for control over your system for the rest of time to be easier than a modern linux installer that takes about 5 minutes to click through the gui with no command line knowledge needed. I guess the point is that you should use whatever you’re comfortable with, but if you haven’t tried linux in a while you might find it to be less of a fight than windows is becoming.

  • PFAS is everywhere at this point. Unfortunately they’re reeeeeally good at what they’re designed for and they’re cheap. We’ll need viable alternatives so they can be phased out. I think they should be banned from products that don’t really need them like dental floss and hopefully we come up with an enzyme or something that can cheaply break it down in the environment.

    Side note, there has been at least one study that shows that donating blood regularly can reduce the amount of PFAS in your blood. This doesn’t solve the problem of the stuff being everywhere but it’s good to know you can remove it from your body over time.

  • l’m plenty open to evidence, it’s just every time I look at some it shows a new lie that nukebros tell.

    That’s not very open minded. I’m all for vetting your sources and skepticism, but going in with your mind made up is close minded.

    it requires holding more than one thought in your head at a time

    Look my dude, you’re clearly here to fight not discuss, and that’s fine we absolutely need to fight against the establishment, activisim is important. Fighting against your allies is a pro gamer move though.

  • I mostly agree except transmission is not cheap, and further I’m not convinced transmission across a continent is even possible even with crazy high voltage DC lines which currently don’t exist. The current massive projects are going to take several years for just a few lines, it would take an insane ramp up in production to do the entire continent. While we’re working on that nuclear can be built reasonably fast without political hurdles blocking every step of the way. That’s not to downplay the need for recycling the waste which will need to be invented regardless because the waste already exists. I’m also not convinced renewables can ramp up production on a scale that would be able to replace in excess of 100% of the demand within a few years, but I guess I’ll have to look that up. Your concerns about nuclear are valid, but rebewables won’t magically solve all the problems of reliability and scale, we’re going to need a baseload and nuclear has proven for decades that it can do the job.

  • I guess we can talk about transmission then, yes if you can get enough renewable energy across a continent then in theory you can transmit it to where it is needed, however you would need a LOT of transmission capability that is not currently available. The current interconnects can handle an impressive amount of load but you’re not going to transmit enough power for all of sweeden from spain. There are some massive transmission projects underway that should help address this but they’re still not going to be enough to cover a 100% outage for most places. So a cost analysis would have to be done to determine if massive transmission projects are better than building nuclear plants. Keep in mind, these same transmission lines can transmit nuclear power as well so they should be built regardless of what energy source you use.

  • This is just weird to me, i don’t expect to see stars in a city, even before the lights were LED. They’re saying the blue light scatters more and that’s a problem but if the entire point of the street light is public safety then more light information is a good thing. The cities probably need new studies and information about lumens per square foot though because they’re probably working off of old studies with redder light and they could probably lower the intensity and still get the same amount of light information.