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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2023


  • There’s a reason for that.

    Ancient apocalypse is what happens when you give a someone who is an outlier opinion in a field they never formally studied money to create a documentary. I would say it’s the ramblings of a bad journalist, but it’s pretty well done honestly. If you are up for “no one has studied this so no one knows this yet (please ignore anyone who says otherwise) but historians are lying to you! One thing they don’t want you to know, click here to learn more!” With nice pictures and some amount of actual information, and a lot of guessing, it’s pretty good. Not scientific, doesn’t pretend it can be backed up with facts, mostly “I’m just asking questions here” vibe. I would note the actual information I mentioned is “this site has been determined to be this old and is located in this geographic location and here are some pretty pictures of it”. There isn’t a ton of factual information, but that’s where each episode starts. He tries to find ‘experts’ and sometimes he will find someone else who hasn’t studied the topic either who will agree with him. Sometimes the best he can find is someone who generally works near by and won’t tell him he is explicitly incorrect.