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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • Again, while there are definitely some parallels between Putin’s annexation of Crimea and Hitler’s of the Sudetenland, there are also plenty of differences that make a direct comparison complicated and not altogether helpful. Hitler’s goals were obviously more wide-ranging, proactive, and expansionist, whereas Putin’s were much more localized and reactive to a perceived threat. A diplomatic solution didn’t work with Hitler but it might have for Putin.

    I understand and sympathize with Ukrainians who want to fight to the bitter end, but how much longer will that take? How many more lives will be lost? Is a military victory even likely?

    With Ukraine recently being given access to long-range US missiles with which they have conducted strikes within Russian territory, the war seems to be gradually escalating with neither side willing to back down.

  • NO BUTS. That’s IT. Russia is IN THE WRONG.

    No argument from me. I wasn’t condoning the Russian invasion so much as explaining what Russia’s grievances were.

    How do you ensure a tyrant doesn’t regroup under a ceasefire and strike again after he gained a prize?

    It was not Putin’s intention to stay in Ukraine for long and the war has proven to be very costly. What he really wanted was to show the world that he would stand up to what he saw as the bullying of NATO, the EU, and the US.

    A diplomatic solution that would have given Putin a chance to save face while also ensuring a ceasefire would have likely been enough for him, since he knew that Russia didn’t have the military strength to beat NATO and Euro forces in an outright ground war. This, incidentally, is why I don’t buy the direct comparison to Hitler, who actually had both the will and the military / economic might to take over Europe.

    As to the very reasonable question of how: One suggestion I remember liking the sound of was the idea to establish a de-militarized zone along the Russian-Ukrainian border in the contested Donetsk-Luhansk region under the joint supervision of Kiyv, Moscow and the European Union.

    Either way, I’m not saying it would have definitely worked out, but it seemed to me that not enough effort was given to trying to find a relatively peaceful alternative to a war that was always going to last years and costs tens of thousands of lives.

  • FYI, UN Watch is a right-wing organization that has been described as a “pro-Israeli monitor” and “lobby group” that has a history of attacking anyone in the UN who is openly critical of Israel vis-à-vis Palestine. (Source)

    This article should be taken with a large pinch of salt.

    Edit: I’ve had the time to read through the full article. What a joke.

    First off, it claims:

    The investigations division of the UN’s Office of Internal Oversight Services recently announced that it has opened a case into allegations of financial improprieties by Francesca Albanese

    Which sounds serious and official until you click through to the source and see that this “announcement” is literally just a private email response from the UN to the CEO of UN Watch (Hillel Neuer) who sent a report to them detailing Albanese’s alleged malfeasance.

    Essentially, the response says “Thank you for your report. We have sent it to the High Commissioner so they can determine if it warrants any action”. What a bombshell announcement! /s

    Reading further, we find out that the nefarious “pro-Hamas” group is actually the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network, whose dastardly aim is to “advocate for Australian policy to support Palestinian human rights, justice, and equality.” The bastards!

    Oh, and whereas the headline claims that Albanese “took funds” from these villainous Aussies, it turns out that the $20,000 figure is the estimated cost of the trip according to, yes you guessed it, Hillel Neuer himself. Albanese states her trip was funded by the UN. Neuer offers no other evidence to the contrary.

    The article then cites a laundry list of claims about Albanese being an anti-semite because of her public statements about the legality of Israel’s war on Gaza that do not conform to the official line from the Israeli government.

    Hoo boy, what a load of horse manure.

  • “You have your tax dollars being given in grants to things like the Fringe Festival, which is like a sexual festival where they’re doing all this stuff,” DeSantis said during a Thursday press conference, according to the Tampa Bay Times.

    Hmm, I wonder what kinds of “sexual stuff” he’s referring to.

    the Tampa Bay Times reports that the governor’s spokespeople did not respond to questions about specific events he found objectionable.


    Florida Rep. Anna Eskamani (D), who attended this year’s Orlando Fringe festival, told the Times that she saw nothing “sexual” at the festival.

    “It does feature drag queens and other forms of artistic expression that DeSantis has wanted to censor despite courts telling him otherwise!” Eskamani said.

    So a man dressing in women’s clothes is an inherently sexual act, according to these sexually repressed freaks.

  • The first thing to understand is that Israel’s parliamentary system of government is quite different from the US’. Instead of two main parties dominating the political landscape, i.e. Republicans vs Democrats, Israel has around a dozen main parties which work together to form coalition governments where more than one party is in power at one time. Under this fragmented landscape, if you have a religious or ethnic minority who all tend to vote for the same party, that can lead to a situation where one group in society may hold sway over others politically even though they are not as as large a population numerically.

    And yes, you’re quite right - a lot has changed since 2016, and some Haredi (especially the young) have been increasingly drifting towards the far-right nationalist parties like Likud (Netanyahu’s party) and the Religious Nationalists. However, as this AP article suggests, these recent converts moving away from the traditional Haredi parties are still a minority.

    While the majority of Haredim living outside Israel still do not identify as Zionists (as per this recent, post-Oct 7th survey), I admit I don’t have any hard polling data for the current situation in Israel itself. If anyone else does, I would appreciate the info.

  • How so? I think it’s quite an accurate summary. The German economy has been stagnating for a while, mainly due to its poorly handled transition towards an economy based on renewable energy. Their reliance on cheap Russian gas was shattered by the onset of the war in Ukraine, and their economic and political influence within the EU has been in steep decline ever since.

  • Biden has been conspicuously avoiding speaking at unscripted public encounters for quite a while now, though, and reading from an autocue at SotU is a far cry from having to react on the fly and put together coherent arguments in response to moderator questions and Trump’s lies during a debate. I have the feeling Biden’s staff knew full well that the debate was going to be rough going into it.