We are literally by definition the same species as cavemen.
Education and really all “thought” is a “slow brain” process. Some people, genetically or environmentally, don’t do this well at all. Half of all people are below 100 IQ right?
All our fast and unthinking processes are caveman, and that will never change no matter how much you educate someone.
Anyway, truth is power so when you say “educate them” you actually mean “educate them your way” so that itself is actually a form of manipulation.
Most people are selfish imbeciles. Never attribute to malice what you could otherwise attribute to stupidity, but you have to ascend both to get to your standard of people. Thats a heavy ask.
I’m hoping your 14 and just haven’t grasped the world yet.
Who gave us that goal? You? Nations don’t have that goal. Their goal is “do better than my neighbor” “look out for my interests”. Most peoples goals are that way. People divide into companies, families, and nations specifically because they see themselves as different from the other. Our printer is different, our identity is different, etc, let’s cooperate. But cooperation IMPLIES someone you are competing with. If not, that competition will arise to “get there’s”. That’s the will to power.
You are talking about some kind of enlightened person.