FINALLY a Cerritos!
Why are they wasting this on Picard ships?
I cannot tell if it’s terrifying or just hilariously bad. She looks like a drunk ventriloquist doll.
I guess they couldn’t make a Rutherford because all their plastic went to Spock’s incredibly long torso. Also, this set is VERY kind to Jonathan Frakes.
Even just the idea of Pete McTighe as showrunner has ruined my night. Yuck.
I have never read any Juno Dawson, but as a librarian I see her books come through pretty often and I’ve always heard good things!
These are all great choices, except what in the world is Pete McTighe, writer of the most quietly evil Doctor Who episode ever made (and then one of the most forgettable), doing there?
Every day this world gets dumber and dumber and yet I’m still surprised by how completely incompetent and unstable the main ENT crew (sans T’Pol and Phlox) are. It is something that even by 2025 standards - which are just about the lowest standards for stupidity possible - these people probably could probably not get through a week working at Walmart without getting fired for like fighting a stranger or sexually harassing their coworker.
Brent Spiner, who has a story credit on “Star Trek Nemesis”
Life finds new ways to disappoint you every day
Weird way to spell Link Hogthrob.
And of course she has perfect taste and loves DS9. Iconic.