Extrovert with social anxiety, maker, artist, gamer, activist, queer af, adhd space cadet, stoner

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: March 5th, 2024


  • I couldn’t tell you specifically why, but I would question the value of such a project. Project 2025 undermines the foundations of the United States and moves the US towards authoritarianism.

    Red versus Blue was an entertaining web series, but not an effective system of governance. Things like project 2025 are symptoms of a deeper sickness in the United States. Democrats shouldn’t be playing the same game as fascists, once you play by their rules, you’ve already lost.

    The United States is an Oligarchy, the will of the people is almost entirely eclipsed by the interests of capital. Democrats don’t need their own project 2025, the people need representation in government regardless of what color flag their elected officials fly.

  • That’s not a retrofit either. With a multi tool those can be removed with a few bolts. The ones on that bench are single mold cast iron. You’d need an angle grinder to remove those, not that any law abiding good citizen would.

    So dumb. They could have spent the extra money helping the people they don’t want sleeping on benches not sleep on benches. Most people probably agree, just not in their backyard or with their tax dollars. The amount of work they’re willing to put in not to help someone is absolutely astounding.

  • Agreed, but like how do you fix it? Moving is expensive and difficult the farther away from your starting point you go. That’s something that has to be prioritized and even then, it’s not always attainable.

    Without at least some economic privilege and luck, it’s not an option for most people. Certainly there are a group of people who would like to move and cannot because of reasons they find more compelling.

    The people who would move but can’t, aren’t all of the people that don’t move far from where they are born. It could be complacency, but it could also be contentedness. The people who stay put usually have much stronger social structures than people who move around, which is not nothing.

  • SocialAI comes across as sort of a joke, or maybe some kind of meta-commentary on the concept of social media and cheap engagement, particularly after creator Michael Sayman helpfully explained: “now we can all know what Elon Musk feels like after acquiring Twitter for $44 billion, but without having to spend $44 billion.” He also says it’s “designed to help people feel heard,” though, and is ostensibly a way to help people avoid feeling isolated.

    Mike gets it. This is only the next logical step in social media. Why risk losing the ad revenue of users who feel more isolated using social media if they stop using the platform? Solution: ai sycophants that tell you you’re pretty.

  • News headlines won’t change national culture or policy. The pro-policing subset of America is large and has a lot of dark money supporting. Private prisons and the handful of companies that support them, weapons companies who have seen record profits because we militarized our police after 9/11, and fascist sympathizers and supports all want things like that to happen.

    Unless you, me, and everyone else who cares about the issue called our representatives daily to demand action, nothing will change. Even if every single person who wanted police reform in the US called their federal and local representatives demanding change, there is still a good chance the pro-police-brutality club would still have more influence.

  • What would you have us do? Paxton isn’t going anywhere anytime soon and Texans do not have the power to recall officials. We can’t protest because in 2023 they passed a law making basically all protests illegal.

    Even if Texas goes blue Abbott and Paxton are still in office because they’re not up for reelection this year. Plus the state is so gerrymandered, even if it did go blue nationally, locally the dems probably couldn’t retake the state government.

    Hate to say it but even if Kamala wins any women or queer person in Texas who can leave, should.

  • So the system successfully identified the kid as a threat, but was not able to prevent the shooting because the father bought the guy on behalf of the shooter.

    How would you even prevent that? No way the 2a nuts would go for a temporary ban on firearm ownership (or at least new purchases) by family members. Besides something like that could be used maliciously very easily. You can’t take all the kids who post edgy shit online into custody, we just don’t have the budget and it’s probably not the right move anyway.

    You could mandate therapy or some other mental health intervention, like a biweekly visit with the school’s counselor. But those nerds don’t need any qualifications so they might not be able to identify a credible threat or help talk a shooter out of their (likely unknown to the counsellor) plans.

    There are a gajillion things we could try, if not for the blind ignorance of the 2a nuts.

  • Those of us ignorant enough to vote for Trump also vote for the Greg Abbott’s and Ron DeSantis’ of the country. It’s not a popular position these days but we, the little people, includes the poo-brained asshats voting for Trump and the fascist takeover of the American South. But they’re too stupid (or more accurately, willfully ignorant) to understand the scope of what voting for maga and maga-adjacent Republicans really means.

    I guess through a kinder lens our maga neighbors don’t have the perspective required to understand the truth of the world they live in. Some might be wholly incapable, but most just don’t care enough to try. But the societal bubble the average maga voter lives it makes the ethos look pretty appealing. The rhetorical techniques used by maga media and personalities are like psyops level effective.

    It would be irresponsible and incorrect to lay it all at the feet of voters or politicians of any political party. Every American is responsible for what’s going on in the country right now.

  • Trump made the remarks Thursday during a campaign stop at the New York Economic Club. “At the suggestion of Elon Musk, who has given me his complete and total endorsement…I will create a government efficiency commission tasked with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government,” Trump said. “Elon has agreed to head the task force,” Trump added while noting that the task force would be responsible for “making recommendations for drastic reforms” to the government.

    Not sure I love the sound of “drastic reforms to the government”. But if we’re stupid enough to give gim the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania again, it’s what we deserve.

  • Personally I’d recommend focusing your time and energy on the things you can control. As an individual, there is nothing you can do alone about it. If you feel strongly enough about it you could join or start an advocacy organization about the part of the problem you find most galling. But the truth is unless enough people both want change and are motivated to take action to get it the world will continue its decline unchecked.

    Volunteer if you can, but try not to let it get to you. The impersonal brutality of our world sucks butts. Some horny french guy would tell you that life is absurd. If everyone agreed we shouldn’t burn fossil fuels, we wouldn’t. But we can’t ever all agree about anything. Most landlords aren’t malicious, they just don’t understand how their greed affects others and don’t care enough to try. The horny french guy’s drinking buddy and metamore would say you can only laugh at the absurdity of existing at all. If you look hard enough the entire universe seems in on how fucked we all. Do what you can, but find something else that makes it bother you less (like a hobby, not a meth habit). I like writing weird stuff and being the model maliciously compliant tenant.

    You totally have a move with the landlord. Follow the rules of your lease chapter and verse. I bet there is a specific clause in there about you being responsible for any unreported maintenance issues. And there is also a clause saying something about the landlord’s responsibility to perform maintenance. There is usually some wiggle room, but there is probably like a two week window in which the landlord is required to fix any issues with their building.

    Report everything. Get on a first name basis with the maintenance folks and whoever answers the phone for your landlord. I had a roach problem because my next door neighbor was a hoarder and left my landlord voicemails every night updating them on all the new locations I have found roaches and my efforts to eradicate them myself. Once the roaches were dealt with my landlord was very willing to overlook those maintenance fees because it’s cheaper than court.

    Edit: and was probably grateful not to deal with that tenant.