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If you have blood spotting as others said it may mean you’re doing something wrong, or, you have a hemorrhoid
This is a photo hosting site, that you don’t even need to stop using yourself. If you’d like to view motherless, you can. Hell, if you find something that’s not CP you could upload it on another site if you really wanted.
This is such a weird hill to die on. You’re defending a site known to have CP, that’s very weird.
Reddit and 4chan banned motherless years ago. Like before one of the cofounders sadly offed himself. Your argument is reddit and 4chan hosted questionable material and they banned the site. Wouldn’t that mean, by your logic, that we would also want to ban it because if we’re supposed to be better than them, then we would want to ban something they deemed as worse than them.
Also, if there was a direct link to someone’s social media with personal identifying information that was not consensual it would get removed. So yes Facebook and places are not 100% in the clear either. Even so motherless is unique because it’s still very unmoderated in comparison to the others.
None of this is going to change my stance on this. This doesn’t effect the functionality of the site, this doesn’t make it harder to post, and it’s inherently a less safe site than many others. We have to make sure our site is not taken down.
It’s the only “smaller site” that is outright listed. From what I understand it was a much bigger issue on the site in the early internet days but I’m not taking any chances.
They are also notorious for hosting revenge porn, which we also do not allow.
I personally have only seen and reported it once by accidentally stumbling on it and that wasn’t motherless. I definitely don’t think it’s necessarily a common thing, but we’re also not trying to take any unnecessary risks when it comes to CSAM
I definitely tried with a small vase once, didn’t work though
Please mark this post nsfw! Mods and admins currently can’t for you
Removed because this appears to be a non consensual posting of someone’s personal social media image
be careful when you’re shaving your nethers, especially when you have a penis and/or balls, use shaving cream and GO. SLOW.
removed becasue we do not allow videos with modified faces
if you look at top week and month the majority of top posts are OC, there are more pornstar posts because there is just a huge stockpile of porn that people can grab from, that’s always going to be true. But again if you look at the upvotes history, people do actually appreciate OC alot. The ratio of upvotes for oc vs porn is probably similar to reddit, there’s just a lot less people here, which means less interaction in general.
I have to disagree with that one, gonewild/oc posts get the most upvotes on average
You’re also fine because your posts are to different communities and are often varied, you’re actually a good example of posting a lot without it being spam IMO
I’m not seeing that, could you edit the post and make sure the option is checked please?