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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Honnest answer, 1/2 in DEC is 0.5 easy. 1/2 in base 13 is .6666666666… Easy but ugly. You want a base that has comon fractions easily represented by decimals. People like dozenal since many fractions are easily represented. 1/2 = 0.6, 1/3 = 0.4, 1/4 = 0.3

    I’m personally a fan of hexidecimal partly because I’m a programmer and partially because it can be halved several times

  • Ye, it’s a real thing. A quick google search for the term “companies that buy software exploits” lead me to the following real companies that will buy exploits you find; zerodium, offensive cyber, and vupen. In fact, zerodium currently has a $400,000 bounty for an exploit for microsoft outlook. It’s very useful for say something like a government to know about these hacks in case say they want to hack someone. For example stuxnet was written by the US to fuck with Iranian centrifuges.

    Pegasus isn’t just a single exploit. It uses many and every patch to an OS doesn’t fix every single exploit so there’s always another way Pegasus can break into the system. Also, do you think that with every update to iOS the developers are rewriting their entire code base? I’ve written lots of updates for my software and I almost never scrap the entire thing when I need to do rewrites.

    Again, Apple, a 2 TRILLION dollar company, can only fix exploits they know exist.

  • Theres literally a functioning business model of “find zero-day exploits for software X and sell that info to the highest bidder”. There is actively many huge bounties for currently working exploits that you, random dude on the internet, can get if you can show that an unknown bug can be used to gain access to some software. Pegasus is one of the groups buying the exploits and then using it.

    It is a perpetual cat and mouse game. Every time that Apple is made aware of an exploit they patch it asap, but that doesn’t mean they’ve fixed every exploit. You can’t fix a bug unless you know it’s there.