“I’m knittin’ like a fuckin electric nan”

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 15th, 2022


  • Nah, I don’t think that’s the way. When the pandemic and lockdowns hit, I joined up with some other motivated individuals and got to work with mutual aid. There were (and are) a lot of our neighbors that don’t have the resources to “prep” even if they wanted to. We did all we could to bring them hot, nutritious meals, warm clothing, masks, hand sanitizer, condoms, etc. It’s not just that I don’t want to live in a depressing post-apocalyptic world, it’s that I think the real surrender is the atomization. We are stronger together.

  • Way too many words for “the US protects its interests”. It will kill, torture, maim, level cities, topple governments, invade, occupy and embargo whenever it sees fit (which is a lot). The degree to which the US does these things is unmatched in scale in contemporary times. All our living presidents ought to face trial at the Hague.

  • Lol @ “the debate”. I’m not allowed to question the fundamental underpinnings of US aggression towards Iran? You make the claim that Iran is somehow uniquely bad. I responded with relevant arguments that it isn’t. If US policy towards Iran isn’t based on Iran’s ‘badness’ (not unique), then what is it based on? Be honest with yourself.

  • Fucking hell. Listen to yourself. Any charge you level against Iran is 10 times applicable to the US and its allies. The evil deeds of the west have largely given us the problems we have in the middle east today. How can you be cheering for more US aggression here?

    Can you explain to me the differences between Saudi Arabia and Iran, that makes the former a friend and ally to the US, deserving of our high tech weaponry and political support on the world stage, while the other is a villain deserving of annihilation?

    Iran isn’t worse than the US or its allies, it just stands in the way of US interests. Those interests which, by the way, are not the fairytales called “democracy” or “human rights” despite what you may want to believe.

  • What the fuck are you talking about? What conspiracy do you think I’m subscribing to? In which world is Iran a greater purveyor of death and destruction than the US? Certainly not this one. Why should Iran be barred from influence within its own geographic region, while the US is excused for destroying and occupying countries all over that same region? “Very aggressive” indeed. What a joke.