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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Trying to offset the cost of a societal need by charging fees to prisons (sic) doesn’t even make any sense.

    Sure it does. It costs $$$ to build jails and prisons and more $$$ to run them. Why should I, the victim, have to pay twice? (once for my car, which the thief stole, and again in my taxes to fund the legal system once the thief is caught)

    I can very much entertain an argument like that (counter-argument, pay prisoners minimum wage for whatever work they do and charge the $20/day from that).

    But that’s not what’s going on here.

    This is about a collection agency figuring out how to profit from a captive audience. It deserves the same regard from us as prison phone operators do.

    It’s really just another form of predatory bullshit.

    The prisons themselves say they aren’t a significant revenue stream

    This is crucial here, IMO. We could put whatever we want on the bills – hell, we could charge a million dollar fee for each sentence! That would fix the funding problems – but the simple truth is that most of the prisoners don’t have the money.

  • No, order of magnitude is 10x off. You can’t massage the numbers enough to get there with any reasonable assumptions.

    Obviously the average household size is not 10 people, but let’s be generous and say that it’s 5 people, so you’re looking at 2 million houses. Rooftop solar installation costs between $10k and $30k per building. Frankly, in this context, $15k is generously low as a cost estimate.

    Also, go back and re-read my original comment in this thread. The context was the idea of spending $30 billion on installing solar panels everywhere instead of building the nuclear plant. Flippant, sure, but – actually, the numbers aren’t far off even with these sandpaper-rough estimates.