• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Religious extremists: everyone should follow my religion, beliefs, morals, and rules or be punished

    Atheistic extremists: religion is dumb and should not have their beliefs taught as facts (creationism not evolution, etc), but people can believe what they want. Also, don’t give religious people preferential treatment (tax-free churches, absolved of crimes for being a “good Christian”, etc)

    I think “you must believe only my stuff” is intolerant, but “believe what you want, just don’t push it on others” is only intolerant because religion wants to be pushed on everyone else

  • Yep I put it on before baking! You don’t have to refrigerate before baking, it just helps the flavors come together in the sauce more if you give it an hour or two and you don’t want to leave mayonnaise at room temp for that long. It’s perfectly okay to mix the sauce then immediately bake them. They form little open faced sandwiches that go bread > sauce > tomato > zucchini> mozzarella so the sauce doesn’t have much exposure to the air anyway and has the tomato juices to help keep it from drying out

  • In terms of electricity consumption, it’s still not going to be huge, just was noted in case you wanted to go smaller. You can almost certainly go smaller, but at the same time if you already have the hardware it’s not going to be useful to sell it second hand and buy new hardware that has less performance.

    Hosting static websites at home is fine if you really want to, but for anything dynamic and/or that will have a lot of users, get a vps (basically a server that you pay for storage and compute resources on and can use remotely how you like, including hosting stuff like mastodon and lemmy instances)

  • I’m happy to help if anyone needs help with docker and/or Linux stuff. (I’ll probably try to convert you to Linux, the os to rule them all. You’ve been warned) Wont necessarily be everything or set it all up for you, but enough knowledge to get you started and able to learn more yourself is doable

    For op, that setup is likely overkill, most stuff will use more ram than cpu and very few self hosted apps will use the GPU at all (Plex and jellyfin are the only ones that come to mind). Only hurt to it being overkill is a higher power usage than a smaller setup, but if you already have it running full time then it’s unlikely to make a different