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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Except this doesn’t make me care about oil one damn bit. What I do care about it harsh penalties for the perpetrators(including community service and paying for the damage to be undone) and protecting heritage sites like this from other shitty humans. Its not activism, it’s vandalism. It has nothing to do with oil. It would be the same as setting the Mona Lisa on fire and screaming about oil. It’s just unhinged.

  • You realize many guns can be made full auto just by filling down or replacing a single part and the spring, right? It’s been an issue for DECADES. This law was just reactionary legislation and didn’t actually impact mass shootings. It being gone doesn’t really change anything other than one less law to enforce.

    Does America have a gun problem? Yes. Does it have an ass backwards bureaucracy problem? Also yes.

  • While I get the desire for outrage and backlash, a generous reading of what he said would be something like “In the past, making music meant needing access to numerous instruments and equipment. Today, you can create the same kind of music with a cheap PC and some programs.”

    He’s not attacking creativity or saying your time isn’t valuable. He’s saying the barrier to entry has dropped dramatically to the point that almost anyone that wants to create content, can.

    Look at any medium and notice the wide array of tools now available to the average person. You can do Photoshop and video effects using entirely free programs for the most part. Or paying a fraction of what you’d have paid in the past for less features.

    Under that reading, he’s absolutely correct.

    But yeah, Spotify sucks, I get that. They don’t pay creators fairly. Absolutely. Don’t disagree with that.

  • You realize that with CSAM, you need to know the laws of every country you operate in and the laws surrounding that, right? Do you know an international lawyer willing to donate their time for free to make sure youre compliant with every regulation?

    What about GDPR? Similar rules in other countries?

    And again, how are you gonna put copyrighted material on it and NOT get shut down?

    And imagine the best case scenario: you create a free media server for anyone to use. Wanna guess how long it’ll take before you’re out of bandwidth? Video streaming is bandwidth intensive. You’re just gonna give all that out for free? Because remember, if you charge for it and a single copyrighted video is on there, you’re looking at numerous criminal charges for facilitating it.

    It’s just not feasible unless you cram it full of ads or neuter it so much it’s worthless. Stop being delusional. If this was on a piracy community I’d be on board because they at least understand that what they are doing isnt legal and would take proper precautions to try and stay under the radar. You’d expect it to one day get shut down.

  • “Hey! Stop that! Be genocided in peace! How dare you fight back!”

    Look, if we’re gonna agree that Israel has been occupying Palestine for decades and abusing them for decades, at a certain point you need to admit that Hamas isn’t 100% at fault. Just like how the USs actions in the Middle East increased extremism and terrorism, so has Israel’s. You can’t keep murdering mothers and fathers and expect the children to grow up thinking that “peace as dictated by your oppressors” is the solution.

  • $3600 to build a media server anyone can access… Bro is delusional. Not to mention, how are you gonna put a single thing on it without breaking the law? The moment there is a single video there that you don’t have license/copyright to, the whole thing gets shut down. Especially if you charge for access, which you will have to, otherwise your bandwidth will be gone in a second. And you want to complicate this further by making it international.

    Cool idea, but the logistics alone make this nearly impossible. This would only work in a pro-piracy community that understands that what they are doing is technically illegal.

    Also, whatcha gonna do when the first CSAM gets uploaded and now suddenly you gotta follow legal regulations of numerous countries on how to properly report/sanitize the server?