• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2023


  • As a propent of DAOs and efforts like cybersyn I want to like this article, but it is entirely to optimistic and implies too much on the tools mentioned.

    It would be better to limit the scope of what is actually being addressed and starting there. DAOs for example do offer a way to do transparent and codified governence. Building on top of public block chains helps provide a system with a root of trust that is transparent and built to difficult to corrupt (as in operates as defined).

    Their is some synergies too with digitalization, digital twins, and robotics by putting more in digital realm makes the codified governmence of the DAOs more tangible.

    As this stuff grows more and more relevent (governce systems that need to keep up with the pace of the modern world, for house just lookatt how much permits contributed to housing in affordability) I think its important for people like solarpunks and other socially minded folks are pushing forward using them where it makes sense to advance pur causes.

    That said again, they are just tools, you could make hellDAO where the purpose is make life worse for everyone, crush the poor, sick the healthy, drill more oil, etc. All just as easily as the Utopian goals you played out, which to be frank is not easy, possible, but requires the code to be written, the systems built, and the people to actually buy in and use.

  • For the simplest case you just have your system pull down config data from the blockchain as you would any DB and configure its self based on that data (because of costs probably something like which private chain to pull from or which got repo to look for configs from, and from there deploy the system with your standard gitops workflow for configuring cloud infrastructure, os, platform (e.g. k8s), and app configs.)

    You also can use what are called oracle services if hitting API from the smart contracts themselves is seen as useful.

    Google cloud also support ETH payments so that simplifies that some. Other hosting services exist too, but GCP a pretty mature platform.

    It doesn’t NEED to be as complicated of an IT system, just saying it can scale handled to more complicated.

    I would think something like bitpay would be a good choice. Have the DAO controlled wallet put eth via smart contract to a bitpay address that is setup to LLC’s account (or whatever legal entity owns the bank account), and from there do your normal fiat payments (this too could be controlled by something like invoice ninja that’s configuration was defined on-chain).

    All this to say you have to:

    1. set up a DAO in a way you feel is inlign with your goals (hard)
    2. Put root of trust data on chain to establish the root system (data on chain, links to things like IPFS for larger data, smart contracts, etc)
    3. Set up system to pull or utilize an oracle to push configs to APIs to configure payments, deploy systems, etc.
    4. Run services.

    All of this to enable day two ops for things like: increase spend of cloud service vote increases, wallet is sent more funds, cloud setting config changed to support the higher spend, etc

    All automated. With the voting mechanism making it possible to review the financial changes and system changes as a collective in one swoop, and then after that executing potentially without human hand offs.

  • I’ll start with number 2. For sure there is, for example the Lemmy instance I’m using, I can say it supports Lemmy clients and can talk to other Lemmy instances but I have no way of know what the state of the actual running back end is. It could be compromised, exiflitrating data, puppeting my account, etc whatever it wants to do. If the instance admin wanted to they can configure however they want and my only option is to leave.

    They could do a straw poll but it’s ultimately at their discretion. A straw poll puts the users as counsol too the ones in charge. It does hold anyone accountable.

    The funding streamlining would come from the fact that the DAO can own wallets and make periodic payments based on what was voted on or create multisig wallets for sub teams to manage their own budgets given to them by the DAO. Compare this a traditional a setup where to schedule payments that group agreed upon, where a vote would have to be held, then the decision sent to accounting to then sent to a bank to then sent to the target wallet. Each one of those hand off introducing the possibility of confusion or obfuscation.

    I saved the first one for last because I feel like I know the least on that one. There is docs on how to do it https://ethereum.org/en/dao/ and I know it means that a token becomes associated with a wallet on the chain, but the exact methods that a DAO might actually do that is something I haven’t done and I know it can be done in different ways.

  • I mean we don’t disagree on the idea that we need flexibility and the ability to allow for remidiation even in the face of uncertainty.

    Its just that I think that where we can be certain we should be. If we can be certain that we want officials that are accountable to the people, we should be.

    There is tremendous value in this beyond what is made possible by DAOs. For example many people prefer the set price system set by stores both owners and customers as compared to haggling and bartering for every exchange.

    The adversial court system, I personally think, is a great institution but it is very expensive to operate in so the default is too avoid using as much as possible. Its good to have if you need it, and we as a society do need it, but most administrivia doesn’t and shouldn’t be done there.

  • So a project I would like to set up is using a DAO to manage the funding account of and the account of a cloud resource.

    So that the a democratic vote can be held on the public record for how it is configured, as opposed to the standard sys admin model of a single owner and manual adding more people to it with powers to delete other admins.

    The problem what ever the first system is root of trust, so the basis being an established network like ETH would make it necessary for a much larger consensus to chain that initial config with the members of the DAOs approval.

    I think this is more important at larger scales, which while smaller is more agile being able to scale teams and orgs up is just needed for things that benifit from economies of scale.

    You want to review things before deployment anyways. At home on low risk systems with no major threats its not a big deal, but for larger more threatened or more critical systems you have to introduce more checks, and reviews, automated or otherwise.

    You wouldn’t, for example, a flight control tower to just accept updates from anywhere. Codifying checks, either functional tests, or compliance checks will only ever establish a baseline, catching the common and understood issues.

  • I mean in general smaller groups and bottom up organization seem like the moves but I imagine this tool being specifically part of a cybernetic type system like cybersyn was imagined. The guy I mentioned actually introduced me to project cybersyn first and I watched the video not long after wanting more details on the subject.

    What I mean on actionable could be the configuration of the IT systems that mediate decisions between memebrs. If a jury system is supposed to be in place then the DAO could orginize the digital apparatus for deliberating votes, apply penalties for failures to appear, hold the configuration for the agree apon forms and inputs, etc etc

    All of that today is done by people interpreting regulations and codes and implementing thus enforcing themselves.

    That is true of any system, but a system with roots in mathematical certainty, when given enough understanding, lead to the same understanding. That just can’t be said of other systems. The fact that people may rely on experts for complex systems seems inevitable (lawyers for example are that for our current political systems, union reps for the union, the coop evangelist for that system, etc, etc).