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Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • What a shithole country

    Well that’s not very nice.

    Russia, formally knows as Muscovy, was culturally defined by the mongol horde

    Do you think Mongols are bad?

    Muscovy wanted to align itself more with the west and was envy [I assume this is supposed to say envious] of the more modern and more sophisticated culture of the Kievan Rus in todays Ukraine

    I guess they must be since “western” Kiev was more modern and sophisticated.

    From your other comment:

    They apply the asian concept of “never talking about weakness” as russia is the brackish gradient to asian society.

    Yeah well your racism is showing. “Brackish gradient to asian society”??? Like do you come up with this yourself or is there some race theorist you’re reading? Is it called Pop Psychology for the Sophisticated Bigot by Dr. A. Whitey?

  • The article links to this tweet here as a source.

    I don’t speak Russian, but I’m transcribing the English subtitles:

    Interviewer: How long will the war last?

    Mordvichev: I think there is plenty of time to spend. It is pointless to talk about a specified period. If we are talking about Eastern Europe, which we will have to… of course, then it will be longer.

    Interviewer: Ukraine is only a stepping stone?

    Mordichev: Yes, absolutely. It is only the beginning. I think all kinds of ideologists and instigators of this war will not stop here.

    Since he’s a Russian general, I assume that by “instigators and ideologists of this war” he means someone higher up in the US or NATO. Certainly he’s not referring to Putin or the Kremlin. And he’s saying they will not stop here.

  • There’s plenty of evidence of China trying to improve the living conditions for Uyghurs in Xinjiang and in the rest of China (poverty alleviation, affirmative action programs for university students, the crackdown against hate speech on social media, …). So imprisoning some people based on some vague “extremism score” and then seemingly releasing them after some months doesn’t show intent to impose living conditions in order to destroy a group. It shows intent on crushing separatism.

    Preventing births is true for everybody in China, how does that show an intent to destroy a particular group? It doesn’t.

    So we’re left with “serious bodily or mental harm”, which can be explained just as well by an intent to suppress separatism and religious extremism. Literally every war causes some nationality “serious bodily or mental harm” far worse than what China is doing, and we don’t call every war a genocide, do we?

  • Yeah but have you seen what they used to write?

    There’s this passage:

    Uyghur activists abroad accuse the Chinese government of genocide, pointing to plunging birthrates and the mass detentions. The authorities say their goal is not to eliminate Uyghurs but to integrate them, and that harsh measures are necessary to curb extremism.

    Regardless of intent […]

    They’re actually doing the false balance thing. When was the last time the western press was fence sitting this much about this issue?

    China eased up on their crackdown, which is good, but the western press went so far above what they could prove, they’re now walking back. Actually more like dropping the story: When was the last time you saw a new article about Xinjiang and not some social media echo?