Under notes, where you said my name, did you mean “Hedgedoc?”
Under notes, where you said my name, did you mean “Hedgedoc?”
It doesn’t read like AI to me, but their takeaways about copyright made me think the author had read an AI summary rather than the actual source material.
They didn’t say it was a Linux problem; they said it was a mobile problem
It’s okay, the author of the article didn’t actually read (or understand) the Copyright Office’s recommendations. They are:
Based on an analysis of copyright law and policy, informed by the many thoughtful comments in response to our NOI, the Office makes the following conclusions and recommendations:
• Questions of copyrightability and AI can be resolved pursuant to existing law, without the need for legislative change.
• The use of AI tools to assist rather than stand in for human creativity does not affect the availability of copyright protection for the output.
• Copyright protects the original expression in a work created by a human author, even if the work also includes AI-generated material.
• Copyright does not extend to purely AI-generated material, or material where there is insufficient human control over the expressive elements.
• Whether human contributions to AI-generated outputs are sufficient to constitute authorship must be analyzed on a case-by-case basis.
• Based on the functioning of current generally available technology, prompts do not alone provide sufficient control.
• Human authors are entitled to copyright in their works of authorship that are perceptible in AI-generated outputs, as well as the creative selection, coordination, or arrangement of material in the outputs, or creative modifications of the outputs.
• The case has not been made for additional copyright or sui generis protection for AI- generated content.
Pretty much everything the article’s author stated is contradicted by the above.
local docker hub proxy
Do you mean a Docker container registry? If so, here are a couple options:
Every system in an RPG should be designed and tailored to max the possible immersion you can get from the game.
Having to deal with inventory management doesn’t always improve immersion. Inventory optimization doesn’t immerse me; rather, it gives me a puzzle to solve.
A paid skillful engineer, who doesn’t think it’s important to make that sort of a change and who knows how the system works, will know that, if success is judged solely by “does it work?” then the effort is doomed for failure. Such an engineer will push to have the requirements written clearly and explicitly - “how does it function?” rather than “what are the results?” - which means that unless the person writing the requirements actually understands the solution, said solution will end up having its requirements written such that even if it’s defeated instantly, it will count as a success. It met the specifications, after all.
You cannot encrypt email End to End.
It has to be stored in plaintext somewhere.
Yahoo does not offer encrypted email.
It doesn’t need to. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/thunderbird-and-yahoo
Fight Club 5th Edition.
If my gender doesn’t exist, doesn’t that mean that I don’t exist? And if I don’t exist, then I can’t get a passport or hold office? That sucks, but that also means I also don’t have to pay taxes and can’t be charged with a crime. Heck, you can’t even chase me! What’re you gonna do, tell the police to go after the “man wait no, woman, wait no 🤯”?
These motherfuckers just Polyphemus’d themselves, and I’m “Nobody.”
Seriously, though, denying passports to intersex people is some science-denying bullshit.
I believe this is legally supposed to take 60 days before it’s effective but read that some transphobes are already enforcing it.
You can use a controller. I got further in Dead Cells on my phone with the Backbone One than I did on my Steam Deck. Maybe the same would be true with Hades - it’s a shame the Netflix version doesn’t (or didn’t; I haven’t checked in months) support cross-save.
Invidious link didn’t work… Do you have the youtube link?
Heads up for future reference: the video ID is the same between Youtube and Invidious, so you can just replace the invidious domain (inv.nadeko.net
in this case) with youtube.com
This is even worse tbh, because, as someone else pointed out, the YouTuber is a programmer. This is saying “only write code, don’t discuss what kinds of changes are needed.”
That + the “commit a pull request” nonsense (you submit a pull request, which comprises commits; the PR only gets committed when it’s been reviewed and merged by a maintainer) makes me doubt that the commenter you replied to has ever collaborated productively on a software project.
You can control that with a setting. In Settings - Privacy, turn on “Query in the page’s title.”
My instance has a magnifying glass as the favicon.
Giant squids are the bears of the ocean
There’s no need to bond with your own child?
No. Trickle down economics refers to things that benefit the wealthy (mostly government policies, particularly related to taxes and subsidies) that will allegedly benefit everyone by “trickling down.” Supply-side economics are an example of trickle-down economics. Trickle-down economic policies have been shown to effectively increase income inequality and studies suggest a link between them and reduced overall growth.
Giving the wealthy tax breaks in the hopes that they’ll spend the extra money they have available on security details, on the other hand, would be an example of trickle down economics.
Wouldn’t be a huge change at this point. Israel has been using AI to determine targets for drone-delivered airstrikes for over a year now.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/AI-assisted_targeting_in_the_Gaza_Strip gives a high level overview of Gospel and Lavender, and there are news articles in the references if you want to learn more.
This is at least being positioned better than the ways Lavender and Gospel were used, but I have no doubt that it will be used to commit atrocities as well.
For now, OpenAI’s models may help operators make sense of large amounts of incoming data to support faster human decision-making in high-pressure situations.
Yep, that was how they justified Gospel and Lavender, too - “a human presses the button” (even though they’re not doing anywhere near enough due diligence).
But it’s worth pointing out that the type of AI OpenAI is best known for comes from large language models (LLMs)—sometimes called large multimodal models—that are trained on massive datasets of text, images, and audio pulled from many different sources.
Yes, OpenAI is well known for this, but they’ve also created other types of AI models (e.g., Whisper). I suspect an LLM might be part of a solution they would build but that it would not be the full solution.
PSN had 129 million MAU in December 2024. Source. That’s less than Steam had in 2021 - 132 million MAU. Source.
Across all platforms, including Xbox and PC, Microsoft reported 500 million MAU in the fiscal quarter ending June 2024. Source.