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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2023

  • No matter what app it is, if employers require one to be used on a smartphone, they are legally obligated to provide you with a work phone. If they refuse, they are legally obligated to provide reimbursement for your personal mobile plan. This can be as simple as $5 or $10 added monthly to a paycheck, or as detailed as actual usage down to the kilobyte.

    Even if it’s as simple as clocking in and out. If they won’t provide a phone or reimburse, they must have some other method to complete the task. Whether it be a computer or paper. Failing that, they are not upholding the law of providing you tools necessary to complete your job. Which means if they terminate you for any of the above under “not able to do your job”, it is retaliation for you requiring them to do their job. You could potentially win a suit against them.

  • These days, it’s becoming less simple than that.

    VW and BMW have it all baked into the infotainment system. Most others are doing this as well. Pull the fuse and you lose it all. No radio, no backup camera, etc. This triggers a check engine light because the computer detects the loss of several functions. With some manufacturers this may include driver assistance safety features.

    Can’t just pull SIMs either. VW place the module for that behind the instrument cluster. Which means you have to disable the entire dashboard to get to it. BMW is inside the infotainment system. These are not designed to be taken apart. So once you get it out of the dash, what good does it do you? If you do manage to remove the SIM, the infotainment will display a warning message. It’s a permanent one that won’t go away. Tells you to visit the dealer for service. Put the SIM in and the warning message goes away. Mercedes has an eSIM. Which means it’s non-removable. It’s digital and part of the modem firmware.

    Some people have reported success with dummy load antennas. Others have found independent fuses or removed the SIM on select models. YMMV heavily.

    Note that when the cellular services are disabled, you lose the following features:

    • Remote start (via the app)
    • Remote safety (automatically call help)
    • Theft tracking
    • Misc. Remote features as advertised.

    In the case of Toyota, they do offer the ability to opt out entirely. Once opted out, the app becomes useless.

  • Once you agree to letting friends and family access your hosted services, you become the tech support for any problems. Whether that be your fault, user error, etc. You should absolutely limit who you give access to. In my case, only three people can and that’s immediate family. No friends, no extended family. I don’t wanna deal with all that mess when I deal with it at work. Don’t over extend yourself by being nice.

    Using Cloudflare is against the ToS when used for services like Jellyfin. Your account can be limited, closed, or find yourself getting a several hundred dollar bill for data usage because you’ve breached the terms of service. Additionally, streaming content on free accounts incurs higher latency which I’ve confirmed myself Argo smart routing massively reduces. https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin/issues/9295 - Don’t abuse what’s free or you may lose it.

    Google shouldn’t be indexing your domains anyway. If it’s flagged your domain, it’s been indexed and scanned. Alternatively, it could indicate you have a weak point somewhere on your server and you’ve been breached. Google’s scan picked up whatever it was. Though I doubt this is the case and just a false positive. Double check your robots.txt files and disallow everything. Most index bots respect this. You can use a community sourced bot blocker. https://github.com/mitchellkrogza/nginx-ultimate-bad-bot-blocker

    I’ve been running my own self hosted services for almost a decade. Though I have a background in IT directly doing this kind of stuff daily at work. As long as you have a strong firewall, modern TLS, relevant security headers, automatic tools like fail2ban, and have a strong grasp on permissions, you should be fine. Before I moved everything to non-root docker, it was given its own service user and SELinux policy. Using direct DNS isn’t so much of a problem. You shouldn’t have any issues. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

  • Hopefully your friend didn’t encounter a scam, in which case it absolutely won’t improve fps. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever read. Otherwise it’s possible he misunderstood the article.

    If it’s a misunderstanding, there is genuinely a use case for using third party software to remove graphics drivers. In case anyone doesn’t know, neither Intel, AMD or Nvidia uninstall processes completely remove all traces as if they’ve never been installed.

    The software is called “Display Driver Uninstaller”, or “DDU” for short, is highly regarded among the tech community for solving various issues with driver upgrades and downgrades if you encounter one. It’s strongly recommended when switching between GPUs. It’s been discussed and recommended by nearly every high profile technology site and tech YouTube channel. In fact, Intel even has a support page about it.

    There’s misconceptions about what the “Clean” or “Reset” options do when installing a graphics driver while one is already installed. This option only resets the user settings configured via the control panel provided by the driver package.



  • That’s a very weak argument. I get where you’re going with it. All moderns computers / devices are DRM first.

    The PS4 and Xbox One and later are quite literally x86_64 architecture. They run either Windows NT kernel or Unix Kernel. Albeit custom OS variants that are functionally labelled “forks” for all intents and purposes. Games can be be ported between them and PC with ease due to this nature. They play movies and music whether it be streamed from an app, a DVD/CD, on a USB device or internal drive. They can browse the web using a web browser that’s part of the OS.

    Traditional computers have had hardware based DRM for decades. There’s nothing really special about consoles having it too.

    Consoles take the same approach as Apple has with iOS. They don’t want you doing anything with it that they haven’t approved. A walled garden to exert control.

    Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo just lobbied really hard and padded pockets to get their exclusion.