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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2021


  • There are huge differences. One country came into existence due to a federation disintegrating, because its members called for independence. The other country came in existence because an occupier forced it upon the people living there.

    There wasn’t also a huge amount of migration involved with Ukraine. People mostly continued their lives when Ukraine became independent. The founding of Israel involved many Jews for all over the world migrating to that area. You can imagine that affects the people already living there.

  • Correct, it’s not just regurgitating words, it’s predicting which token comes next. A token is sometimes a whole word, but for longer ones it’s part of a word (and some other rules that define how tokenization works).

    How it knows which token comes next is why the current generation of LLMs is so impressive. It seems to have learned the rules the underpin our languages, to the point that it seems to even understand the content. It doesn’t just know the grammer rules (without anyone telling it, it just learned the patterns), it also knows which words belong to each other in which context.

    It’s your prompt + some preset other context (e.g. that it is an OpenAI LLM) that creates that context. So being able to predict a token correctly is one part, the other is having a good context. This is why prompt engineering quickly became a thing. This is also why supporting bigger contexts is another thing (but a larger context requires way more processing power, so there’s a trade-off there).

    It’s btw not just the trained model + context that gives you the output of ChatGPT. I’m pretty sure there are layers before and after, possibly using other ML models, that filter content or make it more fit for processing. This is why you can’t ask it how to make bombs, even though those recipes are in its training set and it very likely can create a recipe based on that.

  • I’m not surprised at all. Bird flu has gone form a major to a massive problem in the last year. We just had to wait for it to mutate and infect mamals regularly (it already happened every now and then).

    A few days ago there was also news about cats in Poland being infected. It already infects humans sometimes. No human to human infections yet, but I guess with a strain that’s mamal compatible, it will come sooner or later (probably sooner).

    This is what happens when you put a shit ton of animals in cages together. It will not become better until we find our place in the ecology again, instead of believing we live outside it. This doesn’t just apply to infectious diseases.

  • It’s a bit surprising that the virus hasn’t mutated enough to infect more people and eventually spread from human to human, given that in e.g. the Netherlands there is no bird flu season anymore, but that it infects birds year round. Earlier this month they finally ended the requirement that birds had to be locked up, after almost 9 months! That’s the longest lock up period ever. (They also killed millions of chickens and such in an attempt to prevent spreading of the flu.)

    Doesn’t mean that this won’t become the next pandemic. It sounds quite likely given this news. Cats are mamals and they’re also spending a lot of time around humans.