He makes some other cool stuff as well https://neal.fun/
He makes some other cool stuff as well https://neal.fun/
It’s can be in every product that contains talc since the two ingredients talc and asbestos are naturally found close together. Some make up contains talc and can contain low amounts of asbestos. Edit: nuance, https://labmuffin.com/talc-and-asbestos-in-makeup-not-so-pretty-episode-1-with-video/#:~:text=The episode focuses on a,owned that contained talc tested.
It sucks 😞 I use the feature a lot. Luckily you can still use it for the foreseeable future in the web app… But I don’t really use the watch together feature on the web app when I use it. They’ve sent an e-mail which is more confusing. They mentioned the watch together feature was quickly implemented on the current version. (Was it because of COVID? I don’t remember) So it means the feature should be relatively straightforward to implement in the new version? Right? Especially since they mention they spent two years rewriting their apps “from the ground up” to enable them " to bring new features to you more efficiently, across more platforms, with much higher quality than ever before"
Also if they developed it from the ground up they could have taken into account the watch together feature to rewrite as well. They either did not want to implement it from the start. Or noticed it wasn’t compatible with the new tech they wanted to use in the new versions.
The mail