• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • In a post to his social media site, Trump claimed, “I know nothing about Project 2025,”

    Claim no knowledge until the election so you capture the vote of those idiots who think “oh he’ll just be a good old fashioned hard lined president and drain the swamp”

    Once you’re elected, use your now legal ability to assassinate anyone in your way and rebuild the government as you see fit into a new theological autocracy/corporatocracy while those same people, influenced by russian and billionaire social propaganda just shrug casually because they have a room temperature IQ

  • What they really want is their base to think “the big bad fda is trying to control them.”

    This way, when their party dismantles the fda (in the interest of no longer regulating corporations on animal treatment or food or drug quality) their supporters cheer, as the food they are sold increases in price for continuous drop in quality and safety.

    Followed by the unregulated sale of placebo drugs making unrequited claims with with no studies on health or side effects required, the banning of generics, so on and so forth

  • Ironically not too far from Aldous Huxley’s theory about human perception:


    Essentially reality is or contains all the properties of hallucination but our brain filters it, and psychedelic drugs in some way dilute or remove that filter.

    So the human brain is sort of by default filtering the “hallucination” version of thought until we open that up, and ANNs begin with that at baseline, and then require rigor added to them to reduce the “hallucination”