• 1 Post
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 3rd, 2023


  • Further searching turns up the information that “federated” Bluesky PDS instances are limited to ten user accounts each, and API usage limits which may constrain things further. So that would explain why there aren’t any big ones.

    So far as I can tell they do all still “federate” through the central server, not directly with each other. So there being not much point in it may also explain why it hasn’t caught on.

    Almost as bad as Threads, really.

  • I’d not yet call it failed, but it’s not yet fully succeeded either. To my mind, one impediment is something that lemmy.world shares with today’s reddit: If you look at the front page it’s 99% memes and images. That’s the first impression people get, and it probably drives away a lot of people who might want anything else. We need those people to make more text-based communities come alive, if it’s to evolve into anything like the old reddit.

    I mean obviously there are lots of people who do mostly want to see memes and that’s fine, but I think it’s getting to the point where it might be useful to have an option that filters out all posts that are just a title and an image.

  • Yes, the phenomenom under discussion is climate change. Specifically, it’s that change which is a result of the anthropogenic net radiative forcing that increasingly puts more energy into the global climate system, making it less predictable, more dangerous in various ways, and generally warmer, a.k.a. “global warming.”

    It’s not a religion. Correct spelling of the magic incantations does not matter. Calling it global warming, like Al Gore did, in casual conversation is fine.

  • What “wrong term”? Global warming? Because The Guardian prefers to call it “global heating”? Or am I missing something, because that complaint would be amazingly petty.

    Anyway it’s not about bringing visibility to global warming to make people aware that it’s going on. It’s about making a statement. That statement, as I understand it, is “Climate change! Wake the fuck up and do something about it, people!” I don’t know if anything will sufficiently get that message through, but it’s understandable that they want to try, and painting Stonehenge orange (reportedly in a non-toxic water-soluble paint that will wash away in the rain) seems like a somewhat effective way to get the attention of the news media.