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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023

  • There’s fucking instructions on how to getcha a good rape victim!

    Numbers 17-18 (paraphrased):

    “1.Kill all the men and boys. 2. Kill all the women who has had sex with a man. 3. Kidnap the remaining women and girls that are still virgins, and take them for yourselves as wives.”

    Judges 21:20-23 (again, paraphrased):

    "Go stalk and hide in the places where young women do their traditional dances. When they come out to dance, catch and kidnap one for yourself and take her as your wife. When their male family members protest, tell them that the men should actually be helping you to steal their daughters and sisters because you didn’t didnt manage to get any in the war, so you need these girls. Tell them it’s fine, they don’t have to be guilty, because they didn’t actually offer them the girls themselves.

    And they did that, kidnapped the young women, and returned home with them."

    For context on this one, there was a place that most isrealites deemed too sinful to exist, like Sodom, so they decided to do a genocide on it. But one tribe refused to do said genocide, and stood against the rest of the tribes. All of that tribe were then killed except 600 men by the rest of the Isrealites.

    But that left those 600 men without wives, and they were still the chosen people. So, while the rest of Isreal swore to never let their daughters marry someone from that tribe, they still decided to help get them replacement wives… with another genocide. When another tribe failed to join their war coalition, they went and killed everyone there except the virgin girls, around 400 of them. Then gave the wifeless tribe the above instructions.

    What makes this story extra shitty is the entire reason for the original genocide was because one group of men raped and murdered one woman. While that it abhorrent, they then corrected this crime with at least 400 rapes and tens of thousands of murders. Yaaaaay. Much better. Thanks, The Bible!

    That shit is in the fucking Bible. Read those passages for the direct translations without my paraphrasing, if you like. It doesn’t get any better.

  • Sorry about that. It was vile to write, too. But it illustrates how vile someone has to be to think that the only thing stopping child rape is reminding them that “it’s against the rules”, which… it’s also not against their rules, either. No commandment says anything at all about rape or pedophilia, which is just wild. But don’t worry, they got the one about not making any idols/“graven images”, so… the day is saved. In fact, both rape and pedophilia are often completely condoned in the Bible, at least under certain circumstances. So, yeah, I don’t get this guys logic even a little.

  • So… I’m not a lawyer, but I don’t think this is quite right. Intent does matter in a criminal act, yes. This is called mens rea. It is the intent and knowledge to commit a criminal act, rather than just the action itself. For example, causing the death of another intentionally (without reasonable cause like self defense) is murder. Killing them unintentionally is only a crime if you were criminally negligent (which also includes knowledge and intent) and said negligence caused the death.

    However, motivation is not the same as intent and a potentially unethical or political motivation to perform an otherwise legal action does not make the act illegal. Especially in the execution of the law. If your political rival commits a crime, even though you may care more about their political challenge then actual justice in that case, you still can and should execute the law exactly as you would for anyone else. The alternative would be to allow personal bias against the criminal to make them immune to the law, which can clearly not be the solution. So long as due process is followed, the law is impartial, and the trial is fair, it doesn’t matter what the motivation of the prosecution was. They are still subject to the law like anyone else.

    I just had this same argument with my Father-In-Law a couple weeks ago about the Trump convictions. He said it was all politically motivated, so it was wrong. I said, maybe it was politically motivated, I don’t know. I can’t read the minds of dozens of people that I’ve never met before. But it doesn’t matter if it was or not, because Trump still committed the crimes, as was demonstrated before a jury, and he was given a fair trial like any other person was and found guilty by a jury his lawyers helped to select. What anyone’s hopes or reasons were are their own and completely inconsequential.

  • I have a few to add.

    1. Gerrymandering eliminated nationally with mathematically randomized district maps with approval required by all major parties and a non-partisan committee, not just the majority party. If no map can be agreed upon, the non-partisan committee gets final say.

    2. (This is more of an amendment to the elimination of the electoral college one…) States do not vote for president, people do. And no person’s vote should matter more or less than another because of the state they live in. Therefore, the person elected president is the one who wins the popular vote nationwide.

    3. The sectors of medicine, pharmacy, education, produce, and communications (cellular and internet) should always have well-funded state providers in the same competitive space as any private option. No part of the nation should be without access to any of these public services in a reasonable distance.

    4. Abortion is added as a constitutionally protected right.

    5. An exact definition to the limits on the executive power, privileges and protections of the President.

    6. Ethical rules for Supreme Court Justices with an oversight process (with teeth) to enforce them, with consequences ranging from mandatory recusals for conflicts of interest, to removal from the bench.

    7. Single purpose bills without any tagalong laws attached to them only.

    8. No bill should be brought to vote until enough time has passed since its publishing that both members of congress and the public have had time to thoroughly read and discuss its contents.

    9. A naming convention for bills that does not allow for names that are blatantly attempts at misleading, meant to evoke emotion, or just marketing gimmicks and “clever” acronyms. No more “P.A.T.R.I.O.T.”, “Stop W.O.K.E”, or “D.R.E.A.M.” acts.

    10. A pathway to cutting the military budget to a fraction of what is is today. Maybe a 10 percent reduction in budget each year for 8 years?