My own instance is fairly narrow in scope, and I don’t think I can add it here. Is there a way to post a community in another instance?
My own instance is fairly narrow in scope, and I don’t think I can add it here. Is there a way to post a community in another instance?
As far as I remember, Dragon Age has been real time since Origins.
“There once was a lady who swallowed a fly…”
Is this the stuff that causes the “impending doom” sensation? That stuff’s weird.
I remember this guy. I cut off his friend’s head and stuck it through a mystic portal.
(EDIT: Referencing the game Amnesia: The Dark Descent)
Psychic Tears - That’s a good band name.
The DM tools were where it really shined; I’d love a modern game with that kind of support.
I haven’t seen much of anything about this game; what’s with the radio silence?
Well, I mean he still resembles some Space Marines I know of.
You want real life beltalowda?
I’ve been a fan for a while; played the originals, the remastered, and got Emergence (Cataclysm) when it launched on GOG.
I’m having a blast so far. It needs some balance work, but as long as they continue tweaking it I think the base game is entirely enjoyable. They’ve also confirmed mod support is on the way; I’m not saying that makes up for any deficiencies in the base game, but it will definitely add replayability.
So, how serious are we about living on Mars at this point?
“Once you have their money, you never give it back.”
8-9 dollars for a whole pizza? That I can get a couple meals out of? A pretty good deal.
The X-COM series is pretty much these choices all the time, though less in a moral sense and more a strategic risk and reward sense. What do you use your limited time and resources on, how much do you risk when the stakes are high, etc. It’s a little different than the sorts of decisions you’re thinking of, but quite interesting.
Let me guess; Old Wisdom that’s fallen out of practice?
The first micro-organism that evolves the ability to digest microplastics is gonna have it made.
This concept should’ve been a slam dunk, and they blew it.