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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • I mean, research funding is a huge problem, but half the problem is that journalists and reporters are largely people who went into English or Communications and stopped taking or learning any science past the high school level and thus don’t actually know how to read papers or report on them. Not to mention that critically reading a scientific paper and evaluating in the context of other research takes a significant amount of time, more time than is given to write a normal newspaper article.

    And they’re reporting that science to people who on average know the same or less than them, so their mistakes and misreporting is never caught or corrected.

  • Because every other country with similar problems can be slapped with the label of “underdeveloped”, I assume?

    What countries are you thinking of?

    “Gun violence” is not a cause of death. Murder is.

    Technically no, a bullet wound is, or a stab wound, or blunt force trauma, but murder is the legal definition of a crime that involves death, circumstances, and intent.

    Do you think if they took away the guns, people would just stop being violent? Or that they would just find another tool?

    I think that they would find another tool, be forced to decide whether to commit to a close quarters fight to the death instead of sitting back and spraying from a distance, and in the vast majority of situations the overall outcome will be far less severe and easier for police and security to contain.

    Have you really thought about it?

  • That’s not why.

    Lol, yes it is absolutely part of the reason.

    It’s because not enough people care

    Yes, that is also part of the reason.

    and because police work for the government and secure the interests of the government, so putting them in jail is essentially kneecapping yourself if you’re a politician.

    No, that is the case in literally every single other country too.

    Again, nothing to do with firearms and everything to do with culture.

    Sounds like a gun owner in denial, not a reasoned point.

    What’s insane is thinking that we are the only country in the world with a problem with violence.

    You are the only developed western country with a problem as severe as yours. You’re the only one where there are regular and repeated mass killings. You are the only one where violence, and specifically gun violence, is a leading cause of death amongst children.

    The Nice, France mass murderer killed more people with a commercial truck than any mass shooter in history.

    Yes and more Americans have been killed by gun violence in 2024 so far.

  • Maybe game developers should wake up and understand that people like to be able to customize their characters cosmetically and not just click to slash over and over and over again.

    You want consumers to spend money based on how much effort you put into a product instead of how appealing it is to the consumer? Newsflash, that’s not how capitalism works.