A cranky biologist who means well. My hobbies include long walks off short piers and anything science related.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • These are all great suggestions and I concur. Education will be much more individualized. I prefer a competency (some folks here use ‘results based’ which is analogous, also sometimes called ‘strengths based’) focused education process.

    Also, education will no longer be seen as a thing separate from life/work. Education isn’t something you finish then go to work, it’s a thing you incorporate into your whole life. Solarpunk society values simplicity but solarpunk society is more complex and demands a bit more from people. The solarpunk dream is that these demands are balanced by a healthy reward of a functional supporting social system.

  • I’m going to try to revive a dead post by commenting on my own experiences playing. Based on the upvotes, others seem interested too. Let’s see if it works

    I had a good crew of friends while in grad school in the 00’s. This was a super smart crew of bio-nerds so when I heard about this game on Slashdot (or maybe Memepool, can’t be sure) I knew I had the right crowd to try it.

    It was a successful session and we developed a lot of those inside jokes that tight social groups do.

    I tried again years later with another set of friends and it fell flat. Not a disaster but it was quickly abandoned for lack of general interest. This was also a crowd of high-wattage personalities so i still wonder what the difference was.

    That’s what prompted my question. Just seeking scene setting tips that might increase the chance the game goes well again.

  • A solarpunk future will need more plants of all kinds. I’m building and testing a (solar-powered naturally) temporary immersion bioreactor (TIB) that is suitable for mass propagation of numerous different plant species.

    TIB are especially suited for multiplication of woody species. I don’t think anyone would disagree that a massive tree planting effort will require efficient ways to produce saplings.

  • Not much love here for the Pi Zero W. I love them for being so flipping cute. I have a couple I use when I am learning a new system admin tool or service and I need to be able to let it run undisturbed to observe stability and function.

    Lately I am learning MQTT so am using one as a broker to manage some homemade smart devices.

    If I can ever find one in stock, i want a couple of Zero 2 for similar projects that would benefit from the extra oomph.