…good weed enhances…
…good weed enhances…
#69 on the menu: Tucan-chu
He’s thinking Howie Mandela.
For all intensive purposes excuse me while I kiss this guy.
Love the dude back-right filming the cellphone pov…
B-B-But what if you fell into a volcano before you could make that proposal?
What then, featherman?
Betcha Dylan looks like Luigi!
Yeah, the pedophile rapist treasonous lying coward convicted felon did this other bad stuff…yawn…zzzzzzz
wtf is a WeStIoD dUfUs???
I love when folks introduce hypotheticals, then pile on hypotheticals and nonsensicals, and believe they’ve championed their cleverness.
Time to celebrate a first.
And he ordered all flags be raised to 1.5 mast.
Hurt fee-fees are a bigger issue on lemmy than reddit.
Far more drama here.
But I can buy a can of beer at CircleK at 1059pm!!!
FoRd NaTiOn !!!
6 hours of community service.
Pending appeal.
Tourism, in general, but all the world’s romantic, marvellous and ‘unique’ spots: Venice, Rome, Athens, Paris, London, NYC, San Fran…
Crowds, rules, fees, more fees, lineups, crowd control, advanced ticket sales(with specific time slots) for natural wonders.
There’s a Grotto at a National Park on the Bruce Peninsula in Ontario, Canada that requires you to book at least a day in advance - to park and hike.
In the land of the free, the goal is to privatize everything.
I think he was Mayor of St. Elsewhere.