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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • This is the one that always gets me about “small government” people. They talk about inefficiencies and say, “the private sector can do it better,” which is debatable because comparing money and service is subjective (IMHO, they’re still wrong, but that’s besides the point). Yet most of them don’t want to properly fund tax administrators, when time and time again, they’ve shown they’re a money multiplier. If you want a more basic, striped down tax code, I once again disagree, but fine, that’s your opinion. However, in our current tax system enforcement is underfunded, and I think it just shows their true intent to enrich the wealthy.

  • The dad went into the house, and when he returned to the car between 30 and 60 minutes later

    This is the part that really confuses me, they were home. I get that parents sometimes need a break from their kid but:

    1. You’re home, so take your kid inside and then you go somewhere else.
    2. 30 to 60 minutes?!? I can understand taking 10 minutes (which is still a dangerous amount of time) but WTF was going on for 30 to 60 minutes.

    I know it’s not the point of the article, but I’m also annoyed at the idea of someone intending to run their car for 30-60 minutes for no reason. I will admit I’ve left my car running just for the comfort of A/C while I’m waiting, and I don’t live in Arizona heat, but dude was home.

  • Russia and the US have committed war crimes in their invasions of Ukraine and Iraq respectively, but the general consensus is that their militaries are still not terrorist organizations.

    War Crimes != Terrorism. Some acts qualify as both, but words have meanings, and I think it’s important we recognize that. I don’t think the actions of the US in Iran would make a reasonable person say the US Military is a terrorist organization, though they are definitely harbouring some war criminals.

    I think the other thing is asking, what’s the value in labelling an organization? Telling your friend with a substance problem that they’re an addict/alcoholic might just drive them away and towards worse influences. Or telling off your toxic coworker might be cathartic, but it’ll probably just make the situation worse.

    PS I’m pretty sure labelling the IDF as “similarly abhorrent” isn’t very helpful.