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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023

  • Which is clearly necessary, and companies know it.

    Open any MMO built and organized around a player economy (designed by a for-profit corporation) and you will see they know that individual wealth can upset the balance of the game.

    They set maximum currency values, or they charge you periodic taxes for existing in the server.

    When people are being honest about wealth, we all know the concentration of wealth in the extreme fucks up the system for everybody.

    And video game systems do not even have a scarcity problem like the real world.

  • If you truly believed this, you would be offended by the political use of rape to justify the genocide of children.

    You don’t want to engage what my comment actually said, the fact that a single rape in the face of genocide does not an article make.

    My comment was about the focus on this crime as an individual act justifying genocide and you want to refocus back to the singular act while not really addressing the editorializing of NYT.

    You are playing the game the genocidal people want you to play instead of engaging this propoganda meaningfully.

  • Now, write an individual article for each child starved to death or bombed by Israel. I can’t muster the energy to care about a single rape in the middle of a genocide.

    We have rape kits in Texas that have gone untested for over a decade. If rape was important to the people enacting justice, we have a long list to get through before we can start worrying about rapes in warzones.

    But justice isn’t the intent behind articles like this. They want to justify the genocide with individual crimes.

  • Portcrystals are not the same thing as ferrystones and are useless without them.

    You are speaking from ignorance.

    They give you some ferrystones in the game as well, but it is artificially limited to force microtransactions into a single-player game. It literally goes against the design of the game.

  • Who do you think would beat the incumbent in the primaries? Who did you vote for?

    I’m of the opinion Biden was far better than I expected on many issues. I hope to see him steer the government in a better direction on Israel, but there is a long-term (alliance?!)/vested interest between America and Israel that isn’t just snapped away overnight by 1 man.

    He also represents a nation with a majority Republican government steering 2/3 branches of our government. The Republicans have been very clear with their intentions on this genocide.

    It will always be up to you if you want to provide solutions or empty criticism.