• 3 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2024


  • Yes, the Oslo accords also had resistance in Israel. However Israel still made a peace offer and Arafat refused and launched the second intifada. Look up Intrafada to see political murders among Palestinians of the time.

    Sure settlers suck and need to be stopped.

    The number of dead is asymmetric because Palestinians send their children to attack, including as suicide bombers. Israel is vastly superior in equipment, training, and organization. Of course less Israelis are killed. This tells you nothing about morality, only which side is stronger. Would you be happier if the numbers were equal?

    And about Nakba, I really wonder if tomorrow Russia expels 700K Ukrainians, and tell them that they cannot return to their homes you will again shrug it off and say that it is war and that’s what happens in war.

    Do you think the great-grandchildren of Ukrainians who fled to Poland today will massacre Russians at a festival in 70 years?

    German terrorists don’t shoot unguided rockets at Danzig. Polish terrorists don’t blow up buses in Lviv.

    Yes, the human rights situation for Palestinians is bad. It’s especially bad under the Islamist dictatorship of Hamas and the police state of Abu Mazen.