Finally built my 40601 Majisto’s Magical Workshop GWP. I’m trying to decide which rebrickable alt build to rebuild it into. Probably this one: https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-164617/sebbl/40601-majistos-alchemy-workshop/#details
Finally built my 40601 Majisto’s Magical Workshop GWP. I’m trying to decide which rebrickable alt build to rebuild it into. Probably this one: https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-164617/sebbl/40601-majistos-alchemy-workshop/#details
I love seeing the continuing adventures of Indira. I hope she finds a forever home soon. ❤️
Be careful! Remember what happened to Squirrel Nutkin!
These manuals are very interesting! There are a pair of Snowies at my zoo and their enclosure seemed a bit small, but I may be remembering it wrong. You can also check if your zoo is AZA accredited here: https://www.aza.org/inst-status Mine is!
Thanks for posting this. His enclosure was definitely small. 😕 I have mixed feelings about zoos. They are doing conservation work and it is nice to be able to see animals in person that I would never have a chance to see in the wild, but there is something sad about keeping them in a fraction of the space they would normally roam in. I would like to see what the minimum size recommendations for enclosures are for other animals. Some of the ones at my local zoo seem heartbreakingly small.
Poor thing. Because it’s a “first-winter” bird does that mean it will keep its feathers longer or molt sooner? Or does it have nothing to do with it and adult Snowies all molt on the same schedule?
My favorite naturally occurring heart since Pluto. ❤️
Aw, poor screechie. We love you too. ❤️
Check your local Target stores.
Very interesting, but a sad ending!
I hope Indira is happy in her new home. I’ve enjoyed reading about her.