Hell yeah, Voyager. 🤘
Hell yeah, Voyager. 🤘
In some spaces, that term is becoming really dehumanizing. People use “bot” to label anything they disagree with.
They still make a big impact on culture and social norms surrounding cheating. But you’re right. There is no fool proof anti-cheat. Software or hardware. Server side authoritative or Peer to Peer. Even with streaming only (Stadia/GeForce Now). None of them are perfect.
It’s all about mitigation and not having a free for all.
All the better to track you with.
I’m aware of situations in games where kick vote does not work, because they hacked that too. This is possible in some situations where the networking is P2P without an authoritative server.
I question if we really need spaces like that anymore. But I see where you are coming from.
I was definitely only thinking about social places like Lemmy and Discord. Not networking places like Facebook and LinkedIn.
It really feels like there are zero solutions available. I’m at a point where I realize that all social networks have major negative impacts on society. And I can’t imagine anything fixing it that isn’t going back to smaller, local, and private. Maybe we don’t need places where you can expect everyone to be there.
I totally agree.
I agree so much, that I’m always upset when I see comments on a post about anti-cheat software that only focus on the downsides of needing it. They never acknowledge the need.
It was really controversial casting at the time. But once the first movie came out, everyone shut up.
I just remembered that Grimes came out defending him on this topic.
Or did I fall for a meme/shitpost?
What a loser.
I totally understand people who use cheat engine or similar to break games and to have fun seeing what they can do. Skipping content. Whatever.
But those that cheat to be able to boast… pathetic.
And then he’s like “well, everyone’s doing it.” 🙄
I’m just talking about how we design the wiki. Gotta be tasteful and present ourselves in the best light.
I dunno man. Discord has thousands of closed servers that are doing great.
We could make a wiki filled with all the options.
But let’s prioritize the non-violent ones first.
Meh. Games are mature now. Classics are classics. Just like movies.
Also, funny meme.
Do protests always need demands? I guess I never considered it.
Memes are getting pretty gross.
Maybe we should slow down the meme magic train…
I’ve never used it. I was only exposed to second hand smoke.
It’s strange for me to avoid a platform like this. Back in the early days I would sign up for anything.
How fast do gift articles usually expire? I’m here ~4 hours after the post was made.
What a capricious shit.