• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • That doesnt take care of it, nor can voters take care of it.

    Even if Biden gets re-elected, this ruling stays in play perpetually until someone undoes it, which requires the supreme court justices to walk it back after a period of time.

    The only option is to use the newly granted powers themself to undo the granted powers.

    It’s, imo, the only play.

    Also this has nothing to do with being a “petulant child”, it proves the point of how the granted powers are over-reaching.

    If they werent over-reaching, then he wouldnt be able to use them to do this. It becomes a forced move on the justices behalf.

    They either:

    a. Accept the powers are to overpowered and in turn are forced to, through the command itself, have to roll it back or b. Rule that Biden cant do that, which forces cementing an upper limit on what the powers can do (it establishes a baseline that you cant just use the powers to force supreme justice acts and/or to order people to die)

    Either way, it either neuters the powers to some extent or completely nullifies them.

  • IMO the only valid move for Biden right now asap, is to use his new immunity powers to invalidate his immunity powers, as a display of self checkmate.

    Declare the full supreme court under threat of death has to go back and redo the decision, and all of them must vote to reverse it and remove the presidential immunity, or be hung.

    This of course means “if you dont remove my ability to kill you, you will die”.

    Its the ultimate display of being handed ultimate power, and rejecting it through the power itself.

    I cant think of any other move that makes sense really. It would be a headache in court but thats what the supreme justices get for making such a stupid ass decision.

  • didn’t post the pics they started with of the women

    That’s enough for me to discard this as clickbait at best.

    Post your data if you want me to take your journalism seriously.

    If you want a fair comparison, start with the woman wearing an actual suit, followed by a woman wearing a button up shirt, as your shoulder up pic and see what gets generated.

    20 bucks says the woman in the suit… generates the rest of the suit.

    And 20 bucks says the button up shirt… generates jeans or etc as well.

    If you compare apples to oranges, don’t pretend that getting oranges instead of apples is surprising.

    The fact people aren’t calling this out on here speaks volumes too. We need to have higher standards than garbage quality journalism.

    “Men wearing clearly suits generates the rest of the suits weareas women generate ??? Who knows, we won’t even post the original pic we started with so just trust me bro”


  • I haven’t found a compelling reason to not just build a solid gaming pc, then buy a Chromecast and steam link to it.

    Latency is quite low on a wired connection, I can stream 4k to my TV, and I can use an Xbox controller. You literally couldn’t tell me the difference most of the time.

    I’m rocking an 11th gen Intel i9, 4060 ti, and gigabit network wired between PC <-> chromecast.

    Just make sure you get the latest chromecast that can handle 4k streaming though!

    Not to wire ethernet into a chromecast, you need a USB c adapter, those dongles that take in USB C power, ethernet, etc. It has a single fully functional USB c port, so you can also connect wired USB and all the jazz to it if needed.

  • I was able to connect to the DB with Cloudbeaver, but it straight up wasn’t providing the diagram tab in the way the picture said it outta. The example pic even specifically is using a postgres DB as its example!

    I pretty much had the exact same view, but no diagram tab. Unfortunately the wiki article doesn’t go into much detail, it just says:

    “(if the tab is not presented then the object does not support the diagram presentation)”

    With no information provided further listing off what is, and is not, supported for diagram presentation.

    Lack of documentation it seems, which is unfortunate. It seemed like it has potential but I spent a good 20 minutes fiddling with it, trying different configurations and settings, nothing made it start working and it seems like (as is the case on a few of these tools) the ERD tooling is often a bit of an afterthought and poorly supported.

    Many of the tools are sql first, ERD… third? fourth? forgotten and lacking most features :(