queermunist she/her

/u/outwrangle before everything went to shit in 2020, /u/emma_lazarus for a while after that, now I’m all queermunist!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023

  • queermunist she/her@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlborders
    4 months ago

    There was a 100+ year period of relative peace and prosperity after the conquest of Constantinople, just like today where Western Europe has had a period of peace and prosperity after the defeat of Nazi Germany. The revolts began when the Ottoman Empire entered stagnation and decline because of warfare with Europe. It has nothing to do with ethnic and cultural conflicts, it’s all economic and political and it always has been. The ethnic and cultural dimensions of the conflicts are merely set dressing for deeper structural causes of war.

    Now that we have entered our own period of stagnation and possible decline, be prepared to live in Interesting Times.

  • why I think they did OCT 7th and why I think they are Of The People spoiler

    They sabotaged normalization because it would also guarantee the extermination of Palestine, because Israel would no longer need to balance the interests of its neighbors against its genocidal plans. Hamas’s plans had little to do with Iran, just like Hezbollah and the Houthis have little to do with Iran. Iran’s just a partner, not some kind of shadowy puppet master. 🙄

    Portraying Hamas as an outside agitator is a propaganda trick to make Westerners think Hamas is an illegitimate guerilla movement, because as long as you believe that then you will not see them as the revolutionaries they really are. We see the exact same rhetoric deployed whenever people become violent. It’s never the community that burns down a police station , it’s “outside agitators”. Beyond being a rhetorical trick, making up a hard barrier between “Hamas” and “everyone else” is merely for our own moral convenience and comfort.

    Hamas is of the community. Every member comes from the community and the community are the ones that support them. Every time Israel murders a mother’s children, they create another Hamas collaborator. Every time Israel murders a child’s entire family, they create another member of Hamas. This happens over and over until today where Hamas sees mass support among Palestinians, because they are the resistance and they are an expression of rage against the genocidal apartheid system. Hamas is violent because Israel is violent.

    This is all irrelevant to my point. My point is that Hamas provides something like a model for community prepping, not that they’re good or righteous or whatever. Whether you are opposed to them or not, this is what it will look like in practice for a community to prep rather than individuals. I’m only saying that we can take lessons from Hamas, not replicate them!

    You don’t have to support Hamas to realize that there are lessons we can take from their structure and preparations and tactics. The tunnels, the community stockpiles, the communal skill sharing, recruiting from and supporting the broader community, even the foreign alliances and their online presence: exactly what prepping in a community sense would look like.

    An individual prepper can only prepare to flee to safety. Communal preppers have to prepare to become embedded like weeds.

  • Hamas is embedded in the community. As with all guerillas they move amongst the people like fish swim in the sea, as Mao would say. It’s an armed community resistance front, not a parasite, because they have the support of the community itself. Hamas is what community prepping actually looks like in practice because they prep for the survival of the community, rather than for any individual.

    Not that Hamas are literally preppers, obviously, but they prove a good framework for preppers in terms of preparing for disaster. Dig tunnels that the government doesn’t know about, stockpile food and weapons and fuel in the tunnels, be prepared to fight and die as a collective, build good relations with the community above the tunnels, etc.

  • reading is still uncomfortable in certain seasons of life, especially seasons that require high screen time from me. I still have a week, two weeks go by without reading. I still pick up a book and blink and realize I’ve spent forty minutes on my phone. I read specifically because I notice how much my brain expands his capacity when I force him into the mode of expansion. Expansion is itchy! It’s uncomfortable!! Reading does not always feel good, just like going to the gym or doing your dishes or eat vegetables does not feel good (especially if you haven’t done it in a long time) and yet!! I sigh in relief when it’s been done. When reading defines my habits, I think noticeably easier.

    Basically they present reading as a chore that you never have to enjoy doing, but have to do anyway because the alternative is worse.

  • If you look at this article and think “this is too long to read” you’re part of the target audience. Make the time.

    It outright told me this is going to take 40-ish minutes. The problem isn’t that I “hate to read”, the problem is that sitting in one place doing one thing for 40 minutes makes my skin crawl (because I have productivity brain poisoning). I’ve switched to audiobooks because I can get through them while also doing other tasks (like when I’m zoning out on the welding press at work) and I’m chewing through about one book a week these days. I’m reading theory! I’m reading fiction again! I’m just not literally reading them, because I’m not going to make the time.

    EDIT Okay this doesn’t seem to actually be critiquing podcasts and audiobooks as much as I expected, but is more focused on TikTok and other video content. Easy to digest, requires zero concentration, and doesn’t stick in your brain the way long-form content does. Not as disagreeable as when I started. Although her point “Can you tell me the thesis and supporting arguements of videos you watched from two calendar years ago?” doesn’t really land for me - I can barely remember my own life from two years ago. I need notes for that, and this argument seems more in favor of active reading than just reading in general.