Oh for fucks sake
Oh for fucks sake
Oh sorry lol 😂 I’ve got them on the brain at the moment. I read HDC in the article when reading about the home detention curfew and must’ve just seen HMRC lol – edited to remove 👍
It’s 20 more days, and on top of the rest of the context here it is a bit egregious honestly! It does feel like she’s been put through the ringer a bit unfairly; she was sentenced to 20 months in prison, then released as part of a curfew scheme, but then right around Christmas MoJ went back on that call and took her back to prison because they couldn’t find a wrist tag that fitted her, and her ankle tag wouldn’t fit properly because of a medical condition.
Now, they’re adding a further 20 days, which they’ve figured out because there were 20 days between her being made aware that she would be taken back to prison and her actually being back in prison – despite her being ready to go, waiting to be rearrested.
It seems like either malice or a massively clumsy MoJ bungle (which, when talking about somebody’s liberty, isn’t really an excuse)!
Benefit cheats like multi-millionaires who exploit loopholes and avoid paying their fare share?
I don’t want everything to be lowest common denominator Marvel soup though :( Not that little plastic figures are anything super precious, but the last thing I want is Space Marine Ryan Reynolds doing quips and shilling funko pops
Jobsworth in a flatcap, fuck off with your poncy beers, absolute wanker
Shouldn’t have crashed the economy then
The Paedophile Prince just can’t catch a break (from his own crimes)! Although, obviously, unfortunately, he has caught a massive break in as much as he’s still minted, and not in prison.
Can we turn all the lights off and pretend nobody’s home when they come knocking? We’ll definitely hear them coming.
Can old Nige distance himself from the mortal coil while he’s at it, the lecherous racist freak?
This dork should visit the titanic.
Sure but I’m not saying it’s completely impossible to understand. We’re just talking about unusual language usage.
Those uses are pretty interchangeable, but that’s not what I meant – I meant things like “when I was a child” vs “whenever I was a child”, or “when I was sick” vs “whenever I was sick” (talking about one specific instance of being ill).
I think it’s an American thing. I see and hear “whenever” used by them a lot when they mean “when”, too - it’s just one of those differences I guess!
Imagine Nigel Farage calling absolutely anything or anyone else “disgraceful”. The guy belongs head-first in a concrete mixer. Piece of shit.
Why doesn’t long-term alcohol abuse kill the ones that deserve it most?
God, it’s just all so bleak.
Put this little fucking wart in the sea
God, Nigel Farage is such a cunt. He’s only bloody 60 as well, so we might have to deal with this freak for another 20+ years.
Bowen deserves a medal.