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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • You need to look at this from a practical standpoint.

    The vast majority of phone apps are not local-only. They are merely the frontend to services provided by some company - e.g. a Reddit app is really about Reddit the service, a food delivery app is about the service, not the locally running code, etc.

    Apple controls what users can and cannot install on devices made by them, but the web and things like PWA are an alternative that would be viable for some portion of these.

    You can make a web app that can be added as an icon on the homescreen, can access the camera, location, notifications, storage, authentication (e.g. require fingerprint), etc. It still can’t do everything native apps can do, but it would be good enough for a good portion of popular apps.

    But in China, that is not really possible without the government’s approval either, because China requires the same kind of registration and an ICP license for websites, otherwise things will get blocked. Which, even if you could install anything you want on a device, would effectively limit you to purely local-only apps anyway.

  • Now, there was a paper that instantiated a couple dozen LLMs and had them run a virtual software dev company together which got pretty good results

    Dude, you need to take a closer look at that paper you linked, if you consider that “pretty good results”. They have a github repo with screenshots of some of the “products”, which should give you some idea https://github.com/OpenBMB/ChatDev/tree/main/misc .

    Not to mention the terrible decision making of the fake company (desktop app you have to download? no web/mobile version? for a virtual board game?)

    (Also the paper never even tried to prove its main hypothesis, that all this multi agent song and dance would somehow reduce hallucinations and improve performance. There is a lot of good AI stuff coming out daily, but that particular paper - and the articles reporting on it - was pure garbage.)

  • True, as of today. On the other hand, future advancements could very easily change that. On the other other hand, people have been saying the same about self driving cars 10 years ago, and while they do basically work, and are coming eventually, progress there has been a lot slower than predicted.

    So who knows. Could go either way.

  • You can always get the Pi Zero 2 W, which is still more capable than the orignal Pi was, and costs even less, even after all these years.

    Or the 1 GB version of the Pi 4. For many projects, even that is overkill. Not everyone needs the stuff Pi 5 brings, like dual 4k60 monitors or the PCIe slot.

    Just buy whatever your use case requires. The “zero” line has kind of filled that very low cost niche for now.

  • It would be fine if the footage was end-to-end encrypted, meaning you need to transfer the encryption/decryption keys from device (e.g. a phone) to camera, and then manually between all devices that should have access to the decrypted footage.

    Camera would only ever send out encrypted footage, and thus it would be insufficient to have access to the cloud account if you want to view the footage - you would need both access to the account (to obtain the encrypted data) and the decryption key (to actually decrypt it). The decryption key must never reach any 3rd party servers and can only be manually transferred between devices that should have access.

    There are still possible attack vectors, like malicious firmware updates, or the viewer client app updates, but those are very difficult to exploit, and pretty much exist in most “secure” software today (including from companies like Google, Apple, Meta, etc.). They could be mitigated by hardware design (do the encryption in hardware, camera’s software never has access to decrypted footage) and open source viewer clients that the user controls, but I would consider a camera sufficiently secure (for non-sensitive locations) without those.