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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2024


  • Longer answer below, but i gotta point this out:

    Not having a perfect solution doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to critically discuss the current ones.

    Maybe a “good” solution for the specific areas you mention doesn’t currently exist.

    Now as to why:
    I don’t know the intricacies of the US power grid tbh. Where I am, the main reason why we can’t rely fully on wind and solar yet is because politicians were paid off lobbied for by coal, decades ago, when we could’ve started to shift the whole grid and invest in tech to support solar, wind and water.

    Literally cut 120000 jobs in solar alone but “saved important jobs” in coal… 20000.

    I’m kinda assuming this delay and ignore tactic also kneecapped the US grid’s development?