Don’t know about where you live, but in the EU, there’s a hard upper limit on the caffeine concentration in drinks you can legally sell.
Any syrup designed to be watered down before you drink it would be above the limit and therefore illegal.
There were shadowy conspiracists lurking in the dark alleys of Washington, and hiding from the glaring sun in the High Desert of California, but they were laughably easy prey when the Martian lizard people, the subterranean Vril-empowered mole-men, and the globalist pedophile Commies did show up.
Don’t know about where you live, but in the EU, there’s a hard upper limit on the caffeine concentration in drinks you can legally sell.
Any syrup designed to be watered down before you drink it would be above the limit and therefore illegal.
I was libertarian in my 20s.
Now I’m 40 and –
Die buchstäblichen Nazis feiern ihn dafür, das reicht mir schon zur Einordnung.
Welcome! You must be hungry after the long trip. Here’s a plate of beige, enjoy!
IMO The series jumped the shark after Babylon 2.
Wer kauft sowas?
Praktisch niemand, deshalb ist es ja auch so teuer.
Warum wird das eigentlich geframed als “WTF wie viel Kohle macht der Blitzer?” und nicht als “WTF wie viele Autofahrer rasen an einem Kindergarten vorbei”?
Ja, aber darüber muss man sich nicht auf ich_iel informieren.
Ja, aber führt es auch dazu, Hitlergrüße zu machen?
Silly Matthew, still believing that words written by Trump’s administration mean anything…
Same mistake many opponents of the Nazis made in the beginning.
Fascists don’t play by the rules, whatever they say or write only has meaning as long as it benefits them.
When you point out inconsistencies in what they wrote yesterday, they laugh at you. And then they shoot you.
Generell gilt: Fingerabdrücke sind kein Passwort, sondern ein Benutzername.
Just travelled through Chile. All bus schedules in the south are exclusively on Facebook and Instagram, and literally the only way to book a ticket is Whatsapp.
I wish I was exaggerating.
I’m not gay, but I usually don’t last longer than a few minutes when I’m penetrating.
Made sex suck for a long time, until I realized I’m doing it wrong.
Now, instead of stressing out about how long I last, I just make sure my partner is satisfied before I even enter.
Brechende Neuigkeiten: Trumpf’s engster Vertrauter zeigt öffentlich den Hitstörgruß.
I never played Fallout New Vegas.
It’s sitting unused in my Steam library.
Is it actually any good?
There never has been and never will be any situation that calls for an astrology chick…
I once went to a hippie festival in Germany (which is older than Woodstock).
But I don’t remember what bands played there.
Spent my entire time there chilling and smoking magic mint in front of a tent that had a sign on it:
emergency astrology and fruit wine
And that’s exactly what you got. Wine made out of different fruits, and an emergency horoscope, if you needed to know urgently whether that hairy chick with a frog tattoo on her neck was a good match. At some point a shaman cursed the place, but after offering him some weed, he lifted the curse and chilled with us. Pretty nice guy actually, but his spirit animal was annoying.
(By the way, the hairy chick was a good match, she had a beautiful aura)
Protip: Disconnect yourself from the online media circus.
Bring yourself up to speed with current developments once a week.
And focus your energy on helping people around you who need help.
You can’t stop fascism all by yourself. But you can affect your immediate surroundings.
And if enough people do that, there will be resistance everywhere.
Manche Menschen können ganz ohne unmoralisch zu handeln, mit einer soliden finanziellen Basis, durch unternehmerisches Handeln, Glück, die Arbeitskraft der Angestellten, und staatliche Unterstützung so reich werden, dass sie und ihre Kinder nie wieder Geldsorgen haben werden.
Um Milliardär zu werden muss man der Typ sein, der bereits für immer ausgesorgt hat und sich dann überlegt, dass man an den Kontostand noch eine bedeutungslose Null dranhängen kann indem man Steuern hinterzieht, den Mindestlohn aushebelt, die Produktion in Sklaventreiberländer auslagert, trockenen Regionen das Wasser abgräbt, den Tod von Menschen in Kauf nimmt und notfalls ein paar Politiker kauft um das zu ermöglichen.
Ist doch toll. Wenn der Trend anhält, sind irgendwann alle Milliardäre.
Ja, und jeder der das verteidigt oder verharmlost auch, oder?