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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • It’s funny right? This should be the strongest green party showing ever and it’s strangely quiet politically. Dems emptying the pistol into their toes, Repubs frothing at the mouth, ya think more folks would say “fuck it let’s try a third way”. But the 2 party backers are more loudly than ever proclaiming how important it is to stay a 2 party system, and we are generally eating the bait.

    Ill take my downvotes cuz im voting stein. I don’t like her that much frankly but i don’t actively despise her so i guess that’s who ill "throw away"my vote for.

    Lol i don’t care enough for her to even say stein '24. No pins, no bumper stickers for this cat.

    But i figger its the only way ill be able to sleep at night

  • Yeah that’s horseshoe theory my man! There is a left further than liberal! It’s not like liberal is the end of the pol spec right? It’s hard to get my tone right here but the idea itself that tankies are right wing is itself one of those things I’ve side believes about the other.

    Also, i don’t hate liberals, i like em! I was one even. My family’s lib. I want to help libs move left of course, like you guys wanna make me see the light. The ones who tell me my politics like they know better are the only ones who annoy me and an example of the type of commenter i tried to leave behind.