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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023

  • I started it earlier today and it is pretty nostalgic so far, I’m looking forward to putting some more time into it! Thanks for making me aware of its exsistence!

    I had a similar problem with CD players in my car jumping due to bass around 07, my solution was using a power inverter and a laptop running winamp with my whole CD collection ripped onto it propped up on my centre console xD

  • I do agree I loved it the way it was and think it worked very well I just don’t think it sold very well. I don’t think I met anyone else that was aware of it, let alone played it.

    I didn’t know there was a PSP version though, I might have to get a ROM of it and load it up onto my vita and give it a go! I’m guessing you would recommend giving it a try? ;P

    I do remember printing a load out for myself at the time when I realised it was possible but it could never replace the look and feel of real cards.

    I’m going to have a search tomorrow for my set actually now after having this comversation, just to see what I actually have and check it isn’t getting damp :D

  • I still have a set with the camera, playmat etc and loads of extra cards somewhere in storage and I haven’t owned a PS3 for years.

    It was by no means a perfect game but it was such a unique experience that I just loved.

    Imagine if someone made a modern version based around Magic the Gathering, YuGiOh or hell even pokemon TCG. Summoning your monsters and watching them attack. I’d eat that right up!

  • A friend of mine mentioned he started Persona 3 Reload (which I didn’t even know was a thing until then) so the other day I started P3P on the vita again as I never made it very far before. I was burnt out on the concept after going straight in from a P4G 125 hour game, so this time I’m looking forward to it!

    I also have Driver San Francisco that I want to play through again as that game is pretty fucking awesome.

    I’m going to give the first Watchdogs game a try.

    I may go back and look into some other PSP and Vita games I never played or finished as well. Picking up the vita again after a long time is such a breath of fresh air. It feels so much better in my hands than the heavy and unwieldy steamdeck that I’m reinvigorated to go back to it. After playing an hour of P3 at work today I also still had 90 percent battery on it. I love this little thing!

    You mentioning FF: Tactics as well, I was thinking about going back to a Disgaea title but I may try tactics again!

  • I fit into most of those “categories” you just listed except I do like some jpgs, that aside this is nothing like a jrpg. The first is like a western RPG just made by a Japanese developer and is a fucking great game. I expect this to be equally good.

    I haven’t watched the linked video but have seen a bit of gameplay and it seems like it is more of the same, I definitely think you would enjoy it!

    The first one is still great, it has its quirks where it is a bit older now but I highly recommend pirating it (fuck capcoms retroactive drm) and giving it a go to get a feel for the kind of game this is going to be whilst you wait for it :D

  • I don’t mind a bit of grind personally, particularly with BDO the combat is so much fun that it made the grinding more fun as well.

    There were a few things that killed it for me;

    Having my PC on 24/7 running the client just so that my workers would continue to work to make me money.

    The upgrade system, whilst I don’t mind something that increases the difficulty of obtaining gear and thus making it more of an achievement this was just pure RNG hell. Things like failstacks where by failing you then increase your chance to make subsequent upgrades so you are farming failed upgrades to build these stacks to then try and use on the actual item you want. Or jewelry straight breaking if you fail. It is a system that not only encourages the cash shop use but is quite honestly unfair as fuck.

    The final nail in the coffin for me was spending around 16 hours across a couple of weeks digging in the same spot in the desert trying to find an item to advance the MSQ and never getting it. I wanted to continue with the main quests and that just entirely halted my progress to the point I finally just said fuck this shit.

    Like a good addict I often get pangs of wanting to return to it because at the core of it the game looks and plays amazingly with so many great systems but they are just over shadowed by intentionally being made to funnel more people towards a cash shop.

    BDO, I weep for you.

  • One really memorable gaming experience for me was taking acid and then playing Black Desert Online. I went out questing for around 7 hours, visiting different towns and generally progressing the MSQ, no fast travel just me my friend and our horses to get us across the land.

    Upon finally returning to what was my home city at that time I had a genuine feeling of delight for being back ‘home’. Not only had we put in work on the quests but we had travelled to far flung unknown places with the journey’s being interesting as well as time consuming. We had to plan where to go so as to not waste our time with unnecessary travelling and overall it just gave a sense of adventure that I don’t think I have had before or since that day.

    I fucking love that game but it was also a life consuming addiction that I don’t wish to return to any time soon but I will still always fondly remember that sense of wonder and adventure that was nurtured by having to travel everywhere for our selves rather than just fast travelling around the map in seconds.