How can Sauron be under represented? Who do you think the Lord in “Lord of the rings” is??
It’s like saying the book on Tom Bombadill doesn’t have enough mentions of Tom.
How can Sauron be under represented? Who do you think the Lord in “Lord of the rings” is??
It’s like saying the book on Tom Bombadill doesn’t have enough mentions of Tom.
I don’t know why the person you’re replying to causes me so much revulsion. Probably resonates with some people I’m not in touch. Anyways, live moves on and I decided to block that person.
Life’s too short to tolerate asswholes
Fixed that for you
Hey don’t give people ideas
Smoke some, eat snacks and try using real mouse with your laptop.
Does it mean I’m supposed to eat that with gloves,? This is not making sense
Yep they do, but it’s going to take a few years for the courts to rule in this one since that stupid fee came in like a month ago
So what did the guy win? I’m not clicking that link, sry
The main goal is to get the convicted offenders to not make posts anymore, and if they do the law will be able to find and punish them after the fact.
I’m talking about the accounts that the courts asked X to suspend but X denied.
Well it will happen if Trump is everyday on the news. Things can always get worse
Just give up on any productivity software. And any specialty software unrelated to programming. And games.
Source: programmer that uses Linux daily.
X decided to close its offices in order to not have a legal representative to answer for certain inquiries. That happened after some people were found breaking the law by doxing and illegal elections advertising, judges asking X to take that down, and X refusing. This is going back and forth for 2 years, so it’s fair to say they won’t comply.
This is related to senators breaking the laws and messing with elections. It’s not about fines for the general population, it’s about finding and punishing big offenders.
Well now that you mention it I agree and feel dumb.
Anyways, I’m still right so it means I can double down.
That’s the kind we all come to expect🙄🤣🤣🤣🤣
And that’s why I never click. At this point getting Rick rolled would be fresher news.
Probably avocado
“own capital” probably more like stocks from Tesla, I doubt any actual money moved
In Australia ACCC takes care of abusive businesses, surely there must be something like that? Even 3rd world countries like Brazil has something like it.
Are you saying Boromir should have died earlier? Dude!